"Survivor" A New Era (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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AnimatedCritic24 September 2021
The most idiotic thing about this entire episode is that one person singlehandedly changed the iconic catchphrase because he thought it wasn't good enough for him. Can we just have a good time without the politics in every show. The rest of the episode was fine, but please just entertain.
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A New Era...ugh.
akj2623 September 2021
I thought I was ready for a new era...but I'm not sure anymore.

Firstly, the new twists with the voting & penalties for losing-FUN! I'm all for a faster-paced, harder game. That part felt good.

But, it was tiring to watch. Usually it's enjoyable, but this just felt like they (CBS or Survivor, not sure which) were pushing their agenda on us. I spent the whole episode trying to discern what was the game, and what CBS was trying to tell me is true about the world.

Also, the cast. This was the first time I didn't care who went home. Usually I'm rooting for somebody by the end of the first episode. The person I thought I liked went home, so there's that.

Lastly, "come on in guys". I truly get that it's a silly thing to be mad about. It's dropping one word, I understand that. However, it's such a special thing to survivor. It's almost like an inside joke that we got to experience and repeat to other fans for 20 years...and it's just gone? When one person disagrees with it (after the majority say it's okay)? It was dismissed so quickly and to hear Jeff say he's glad it's done? It was just weird very non-survivor vibes.

I'll probably still watch the season. I'm a super fan and I've loved the show since I was a kid. But this episode just kind of hurt my Survivor heart.
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Is Jeff ok?
RedStadt23 September 2021
I'm trying to give this new season a chance so my rating may be a bit generous. This was not a good start. Firstly, Jeff looks like a reanimated corpse and his manic energy in the challenges was unsettling. The removal of opening credits is just bizarre, they're beloved for a reason. The confected "come on in guys" dilemma was also just so unnecessary.

The episode was overloaded with twists and advantages that were hard to keep track of, and the worst bit is they all seem pretty lame. Speaking of lame, the supposed return to real hard surviving with no supplies was a fizzer so far. There was no survival content in this episode (maybe it will come later?) And what was with the campsites being pre-cleared?

On the bright side, the casting has potential and the tribal council was entertaining - although if that's what they're all going to be like it will get exhausting fast.
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Flipping off Your Longtime Fans? What Are You Doing??
parkerchristman23 September 2021
-Shortening 39 days to 26: Check

-Throwing uninteresting twists into the mix: you got it

-Bland Assortment of Lame Contestants: with very few exceptions, they nailed this

But what might be the biggest slap in the face to fans of 21 years: Eliminating the beautiful and iconic "Come on in Guys" due to one (yes, you read that correctly, one SINGLE contestant) found it to be a widdle offensive.

How about you poll your viewers, CBS? You know, the people who have allowed you to keep this great show on the air? It's unbelievably silly I, or anyone, has to even comment on this - or that this even had to be said or addressed.

New Era? No thank You! Respect your bread and butter, Respect your Fans.
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Wow is CBS ever screwing their shows up
Shhhtick23 September 2021
I've watched for 20+ years, worst cast, worst premier in history. 1 person out of 17 wants to change a saying and the 17 that said keep it, get screwed. This is all on CBS for their new mandates.
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Come on in unicorns
alexandertom-8603224 September 2021
Come on in unicorns.

I'm giving it a 6, but two of those points are for the crew responsible for the cinematography, and of course the locale of gorgeous Fiji.

Oh man if it ain't broke why fix it? Survivor has always had a diverse cast since season one, and a diverse group of winners throughout the seasons, so really no reason for them to slap us in the face with it now. Also, like another reviewer brought up Jeff looks really rough this season. I mean it was raining in his opening scene so maybe the rain was washing away his filler and the soft focus was being damaged as well. I just hope the guy is okay health wise. My two biggest complaints,( after getting the unicorn nonsense out of the way), is one this episode could of been cut to a regular 45 min episode just by cutting all the sobbing back stories, I mean what is this the new American idol? Two, all these new game play additions are really muddled. Last but not least am I the only guy who noticed the bikinis are gone. And keeping it in tune with our new woke world the guys leave a lot to be desired too. When it comes to eye candy it's pretty much been erased for everyone, Just saying.

Just now finding out the unicorn is an actor kind of puts a nail in the coffin that this show is totally gone the way of other reality shows, in a word contrived.
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alternateending-7608823 September 2021
ABSOLUTE GARBAGE. The show is woke now, same thing is happening to Big Brother too. Can't even watch anymore.

Take my advice and watch AUS Big Brother and Survivor, they are so much better.
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Why the bad reviews?
lhbaker-287839 February 2022
I read one review say that the film editing is worse, and I can see that. But I don't understand the other negative reviews. And worse film editing isn't enough to make me drop the rating down from a 10, because to me, this is plain old survivor with extra twists.
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The Show Still Packs Great Punch
shelbythuylinh19 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Sure we missed it over for a year due to the pandemic. The usually thirty nine days. Now that was cut by twenty six days. And that they are putting it twists and turns on it.

It is glad the show is back with twists and turns. And twenty six days that will be in the hitting the ground running you can say literally there.
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A New Era
kaden_lewis29 September 2021
A lot of people are complaining because this season is super diverse, there are a bunch of new twists, the cast is flat, and most of all, the new rule for Jeff not being able to say, "Come on in guys!". I only don't like one of those. I am fine with the cast as a whole, I don't mind the diversity, and although it won't be the best cast ever, it is still decent. Also, I kind of like the new twists, it ads an even newer spark to the game. Like every twist in the games history, people will warm up to them. I am mainly upset with Jeff no longer being able to say, "Come on in guys!" at challenges. It has been the one of the trademark sayings of the show for 21 years, and just because Ricard thought it was a teeny bit offensive, he recommended it be changed. Even all the girls in the cast thought it was ok.

That is my only negative from the season so far, but it is pretty significant, that is why I am giving this episode a 7/10. It would be lower, but I am just super happy to have Survivor back!
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The flight attendant is an actor.
QuackQuack23 September 2021
The flight attendant (Ricard) is an actor. He has a fake last name, and pretty much a fake persona. He also has a resume of movie listings on this very site. I can't believe CBS can't bring on some regular people and just play the game. They have to have an agenda. This is the guy who instigated the no more "Come on down Guys" phrase, after everyone else was okay with it. I won't watch again.
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Just for balance
mjl-lynch8130 September 2021
I'm giving this review to try to balance all the people that are so triggered by the elimination of the word "guys" they couldn't help but write compete paragraphs and give this show a 1. I am so sorry this has had such a profound impact on your lives. For me, I just enjoyed the episode and it was good to have Survivor back. Somehow I enjoyed it without Jeff saying "come on in you guys", shocking I know.
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So does this generation believe...
kevinandrewsphoto24 September 2021
That for 40 seasons, when Jeff says "come on in guys", he is only referring to the men? And that the women are disobeying his order? This is idiotic. "Guys" has been a gender neutral term for far longer than Jeff has been using it. And it's been morphed to refer to any group of people. It takes a generation of people dissecting every fiber of daily life to eventually find a problem with a word so benign, that nobody would have even said anything had Jeff not mentioned it. When a show has to come to a halt to discuss the merits of the word "guys" it makes it seem like there's no other injustices left to fight.
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This is just getting ridiculous
InsightfulCritic23 September 2021
CBS and Probst think they can succeed by catering to less than 1% of the population while pissing of their loyal fans like me with the never-ending political correctness and social justice.

You know the show is done when they allow one fool to object to change "guys" after 20 years and 40 seasons.

And of course, no one spoke up because people are so scared of getting "canceled." The focus on immutable characteristics is offensive to me.

Survivor: You failed!!!
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Last episode for me!
xxxNomadicxxx23 September 2021
This season of survivor is clearly not for the fans, but aiming to please a certain few. And for that, I will not watch this season. Hopefully they will get back on track next season. See you then! ☹
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Another American Show I am done with ti
npm_petre_mihai23 September 2021
Well, nice going USA with your wokeness. Another show ruined by your political agenda and social propaganda. Good riddance, keep going and no sane person would watch your shows anymore. So lame, I cant even believe someone thought this would be a good idea. So goodbye Survivor, I refuse to watch a show that is pandering to us instead of entertaining us.
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Great Start! So Happy Survivor is Back!
mbishop210825 September 2021
Good first episode of the season. I like the changes, definitely makes the game more challenging. Excited to tune in every week.
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Probst just torpedoed Survivor with the ultimate Woke poison pill
josh-7183910 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you haven't already heard, Probst immediately throws out in episode 1 how things have changed and he doesn't know if it's ok to say "come on in guys", because of the word GUYS and it might be offensive in today's world. It's a ridiculous question and the cast rightfully says, No Probst, there's nothing wrong with saying guys. Then at the 1st challenge one "guy" who is apparently married to his transgender husband that is pregnant (can't make this up) and was clearly cast for moments exactly like this, says he is offended by the word and uses non sensical logic to validate his claim. Probst immediately agrees with him, not talking to anybody else, as he got the answer he obviously wanted in the first place... He literally states he wanted to get rid of the word. At this point I turned off Survivor for the first time in 20 years. I have loved this show, but this is too much.

I believe all people are welcome to whatever lifestyles, sexual presences and gender identities they want so long as it's legal and doesn't hurt anyone. I have and will give them that respect and now it's well past time these same people show the rest of society the same respect they so angrily and aggressively demand from everyone else. Time to exercise some common sense here CBS. The word "guys" in general, but specifically how it's used in the famous Survivor saying, has zero judgement or hate in it. NONE. If this actually offends someone, seek professional help because you are too fragile for this world and are clearly capable of being offended by absolutely anything and everything. The new trajectory of the show is tragic. Inclusiveness for all is a beautiful thing, but that's not what this is. This is virtue signaling for the sake of virtue signaling and an attempt to win the woke TV moment of the year award. They've lost grasp of common sense and added malice to a phrase where there is none. The quickest and most affective way to affect thought is to control speech. Don't believe me, read a history book. If words that have no hate are under attack, then God help us and this show.

Survivor just officially jumped the shark.
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Still as good as ever
trav_yates30 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There's a lot of bad reviews for this season of survivor. I hadn't seen it yet and I was like OMG what happened. So seems to me people are on their high horses about political correctness gone mad. Probably riled up by some Fox pundit or right wing talking head. I have not missed an episode of survivor since S01E01 I have also watched every episode of Australian survivor.

So what's bad about this episode? We'll I do think they should keep the theme song, it gets me going for the show. I'm a purist and I think the less randomness and twists they add to the game the better. I also think guys is a generic term and is still OK to use today. But I don't watch the show to hear Jeff say. "Come on in guys". I don't care whether he says it or not.

But I like the strategy mostly and to a lesser extent the challenges. None of that has changed. The first few eps are always a bit slow as you get to know the contestants. But I felt I learnt a lot about these already. There was a lot of strategy and the game is on.

Don't reject a show just because of your politics. Just chill out and enjoy what the show is really about. Good television.
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Guys - come on !!!
mikeydalby-119-78923225 September 2021
I have always been a huge survivor fan. I've watch all of the American one plus the Australian. This years change of pandering to the minority and changing the phrase that offended virtually nobody (apart from the WOKE generation) sticks in my claw.
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stefannenezic-1233523 September 2021
We all wait for this new season for so long,and this is so wrong. This gonna be a worst season ever, terrible new twist and show is so political now. There's no place for politics here. And cast is not likeable at all, terrible job Jeff.
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Enough with the WOKE!!
vickishops23 September 2021
After 40 seasons, we have called it quits!

When the producers choose the contestants by their WOKEness and not their qualifications or abilities, we are done. There has always been a mixture of people on the show. Old/young, white/black/brown, gay/ straight, quirky/ boring, grumpy/peppy, etc. This MIXTURE of personalities is what has made the show so great.

We made it through the first 30 minutes of the show before we changed the channel and added Survivor to our growing list of shows we no longer watch.
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alexthelion-2123 September 2021
The audience is completely insulted by egotist Jeff Probst. Changing elements about the show to appear Woke instead of just playing the game is insulting enough. A horrible Cast with only a few gems. The show lost its touch and instead of showing a "new era", they jumped the shark.
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I don't understand the low rating
valensere-686068 October 2021
I get that people are mad that they made Jeff take out the "guys" (I am too), but come on! This was a good first episode for a new season, especially after the long hiatus.

Some really interesting characters and a very diverse cast will likely make this season very interesting.

Can't we just be happy that the show is back and enjoy it?
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Woke Theatrics
tomburkesxfan23 September 2021
I've been watching Survivor since the beginning, but when Jeff asked the contestants if they didn't feel comfortable with "Come On In GUYS", that was the moment I almost considered turning it off.

It felt scripted and forced. This isn't the Survivor I'm used to.
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