Dream Home (Video 2006) Poster

(2006 Video)

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Dream Home: Amazing what constitutes as a film these days
Platypuschow19 October 2018
Where to begin with Dream Home? Where to begin indeed.

Let's be clear, the most professional part of this production is the cover art. But even that is badly flawed, that house doesn't even remotely resemble the house in the movie and a child on a bike like that? Not relevant.

The film itself is truly amateur hour, it looks and sounds like a student film. The cinematography is messy and the sound quality is the pits. Want an example of how bad? You'll have two characters talking to one another and the background noises will vary in intensity when the camera bounces between them. It truly is awful.

The acting is some of the worst I've seen for years. No passion in the delivery, it's as if they were taken off the street randomly and asked to just read off a teleprompter.

The plot is recycled, we've seen it all before but better. So basically to summarize the film literally has no redeeming features. It looks like hell, it sounds like crap and the content itself is unoriginal tripe.

They do get better than this, but not by much.

The Good:


The Bad:

Poor boom quality

Lifeless performances

WTF is that front cover?

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

When you actually hear the director yelling "Cut" in a finished film you know these people shouldn't be in the industry

People who buy million dollar homes can't afford kids
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cinematic vomit !!!
hayesjr12 November 2006
My wife and I are always on the look out for a new horror movie/director may be we should have been looking for a GOOD new horror. This was the worst attempt at movie making that I have ever had the miss fortune of stepping in. The acting was atrocious, monotone and strained the camera work was shoddy and ineffective. The biggest early clue was when you can here someone in the back ground yelling CUT at the end of a scene an obvious audio clip that should have made it to the producers floor with the rest of the movie. We will be on the watch for cast and crew so that we can steer clear of the next train wreck they are involved with. I pray that you are reading this before your flush your money and time out of your life away.
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Two hours of my life I will never get back
Gymnast_02114 August 2006
This movie had potential. And then the opening credits ended. I could have made a movie in my garage that looks better than this. The acting is horrible (let's just say the actors took a class in Overacting 101), the script is pitiful, the camera work is shoddy, the cinematography leaves a lot to be desired, and the plot was nonexistent. Not to mention that you can hear people yelling "cut!" in the background at the end of a few scenes. Not exactly the scary movie I was hoping for. Let's just say the description on the box was somewhat misleading. I just ended up laughing and mocking my way through it. Do yourself a favor and save your hard earned money.
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I cant believe Blockbuster has this on their shelves!!!
jjkjsk868525 April 2011
This was the absolute worst movie I have ever seen. I can not even begin to explain the way I felt when this movie was over....I was ripped off Don't let this happen to you!!! The movie made no sense at all, and the acting was horrendous...The front of the box looks really interesting..The kid on the bike..oh yeah y would he have anything to do with the movie...DUH...There is not even one child in this movie!!! If there were a way to recall movies this film should be put in a fire pit!! Take my advice Don't rent this movie, buy this movie, or even watch it on cable...I'm sure you can find better things to do for an hour and a half...like ripping your toenails off one by one!!!
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Just Plain Terrible!!
divineshadowofdeath6 August 2006
This movie is not worth the box or CD it was printed on. I went with several of my friends to a local video store during a boring weekend, and this movie popped out at us. The art and the story looked rather interesting: a migrant couple move into a house and get tortured by souls from the afterlife. Interesting, right? We rented it and went on our merry way. Upon arriving home, we popped the DVD in and began to watch it.

The first thing that got my attention was the lack of a DVD menu. Even those $1 children's DVDs at Walmart have one, so why doesn't this? You could afford interesting looking box art and a catchy summary, but nothing more? Once the movie actually STARTED (asides from... disturbing previews for some other no-name movies produced by the same people) my friends and I felt even more-so like our $3 was wasted. Whenever a character spoke, the camera moved to a fixed angle on their face, and nothing more. The dialog was repetitive and cheesy, and the continuity was terrible. Whenever a camera angle switched (given the director was creative enough to do so), actors would have different poses, and objects would clearly not be in the same place. Also, a lot of things in the plot just didn't make any sense. In many scenes you can see clear errors: such as 'night' scenes with clear daylight shining through a window in the background. Also, the acting was terrible. Expect to see better acting from first graders at a school play, than those people who starred in 'Dream Home'.

Do yourself a favor and don't follow the misleading box and summary. It may look good, but you don't know that until you've pressed play on your DVD remote. My advice is to never rent movies that you haven't heard of: chances are, there's a reason why.
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Overcame Its Shortcomings
sbsnowbunny8 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I almost didn't watch this because of the horrid reviews but thought, what the heck. I didn't have anything better to do. The budget was extremely low, the direction and editing were meh. Some of the acting was pretty lame but some was average or a little better. The storyline was very good and held my interest throughout. It even had a bit of a surprise ending. I don't know if I'll ever watch it again but I am glad I ignored the reviewers saying to stay away
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I stayed awake, but...
aujicj29 July 2006
I felt the movie itself would have been good if the director had really tried to focus on making a good movie. Low budget is probably what they were using. It was an excellent story for a horror movie and could have been a great horror movie. Ghost stories that aren't gory are my favorite types of movies. The movie could have been up there with The Ring, or The Grudge but it seemed like a high school video project instead of a "real movie." The plot of the story was good--but the stiffness of the acting and the lame dialog was laughable. Even though it had a certain creepiness factor, it was actually a challenge to continue watching it to the end. Maybe it will rank with the cult classics for dumb horror stories. I'll give it some points for surprising me at the end, though.
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morrowrg19 November 2006
After watching this horrible movie I have a couple of questions.

Who where the people who gave it a ten in the voting? What is wrong with them?

Do yourselves a favor and avoid this piece of trash.

After attempting to submit my post about this movie I was told that it did not contain enough lines of text (the minimum being ten lines). Therefore I will try to come up with some more words to describe this crap...

abhorrent, appalling, atrocious, awful, bad, beastly, dangerous, desperate, dire, disastrous, disturbing, dread, dreaded, dreadful, extreme, fearful, frightful, ghastly, gruesome, harrowing, hateful, hideous, horrendous, horrible, horrid, horrifying, inconvenient, loathsome, monstrous, obnoxious, odious, offensive, petrifying, poor, repulsive, revolting, rotten, serious, severe, shocking, unfortunate, unnerving, unpleasant, unwelcome, vile
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Worst Movie Ever
nick_kostelnak25 June 2008
If it were possible to give negative stars on films, this movie would be -30. It may possibly be the worst film in the history of film making itself. Dream Home features acting three or four bars below porno acting, the cheapest camera effects even my younger brother (Who is five years old for your information) can perfect, and a dreaded script to go along with it (Im being nice when i say dreaded). There are actually parts in the film where stagehands appear holding cameras and such. So I say go out and rent this movie, not for the acting, not for the effects, not for the script, but for the sheer laughter and enjoyment it will bring by making fun of "The Worst Movie Ever".
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do not watch!!! 1/2 star would be too generous.
l_mcnl5 January 2009
this "movie" sucks A and I think whomever made this needs to go to film school.. the acting was so bad, I couldn't watch more than 5 minutes of it.. I stopped at the fake A conversation at the beginning.. B title? no, more like D title for dumb as F.!! if I could have left a half star it would have been too much credit, so 1 star is being extremely generous. bad acting, terrible editing, the cover depicts nothing from the movie, horrible effects........ my advice, watch something else, don't waste your time with this "movie".. I would suggest finding a new day job for the producers, and editors.. because making movies is not for them at all...
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I am appalled. ()_()
gcuber19 March 2007
Quite frankly, this movie is not very good. It is below not very good. It is absolutely terrible. The story seems like something that my friends and I could have come up with, in fifth grade. I don't mind the actors, though the voice and video lineup makes them seem horrible.

In addition, if this movie EVER comes out with a sequel, hopefully it will not be shown in theaters either. I apologize if you made this movie, please try harder next time. And get rid of the transition. That was like something from Windows movie maker. *shudder*. this ruined the next movie we watched, called "prey". Movie festivals are good, but only for junior and high school students.

From the starting BlindDate-like movie shots and bland sounds, it was love at first sight. I loved this movie. Loved it because I knew I could always have a career as a filmmaker. And be more successful than these people ever will be. I thank this movie for boosting my confidence and helping with my low self esteem problem.

Thank you, Dream Home, for setting the film making standards very, very low.
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History Repeats Itself?!
geminiredblue8 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Recently, I came across a multi-DVD collection called Urban Chills. Which wasn't exactly truth-in-advertising since half of the 10 films weren't anywhere near "urban". But I digress. Most of the movies also happened to be pretty lousy. But several stuck out. Of the entire collection, DREAM HOUSE is the best!

The story: A young couple find the home of their dreams. Hence, the title. But upon purchasing the extravagant house, they start having disturbing dreams and the odd vision or two. Once in a while, a character dressed in turn-of-the-century garb will appear and startle them. Digging into the history of the house, they discover some violent murders and goings-on took place there. And it's quite possible that history plans on repeating itself. Acting in this film is pretty good, though maybe the director should've picked someone else to play the husband. He couldn't act to save his life. Editing left much to be desired. In more than one scene, you can clearly hear someone mutter "Cut" right before a scene fades to black. And don't get me started on the over-long credits. They go on F... O... R... E... V... E...R.!. In terms of on-screen violence, there really isn't a whole lot. This film relies more on psychological thrills and chills. And it succeeds, mostly. So, despite it's flaws, it's worth seeing. *FADING TO BLACK* "And Cut!!!"
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ekimztelk27 April 2008
what the "f" was that...

Is there really no type of film association out there to decide what can be sold or rented as a movie and what can't? Not to sound privileged but I think anyone who sees this P.O.S. deserves their money back. I got this from Blockbuster and if I didn't already know those Nazi's wouldn't refund my money, I would ask for it back. I made a movie in sixth grade about my dog that had better dialog, story line and closure than this. This is the only movie that has trumped Ghost Lake as the biggest pile of crap. I mean really, do these video stores even give a crap what they're renting out anymore? Isn't this some sort of scam? Did I mention the word "crap"?
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worst "movie" i've ever attempted to watch
brittanyjoy-124 June 2008
I was in the mood to watch a scary movie and saw this DVD at the rental store. It looked like a movie about a haunted, creepy old mansion, however the movie (if it can even be described as a movie) was nothing of the sort. I think the creators of this piece of crap saw this cool looking house on Google and thought, "hey that would be cool on the cover even tho it has NOTHING to do with the movie". The acting is awful...the plot was non-existent...and the effects were to be laughed at and nothing more! Not to mention the fact that you can actually here someone yell, "CUT" after one of the scenes! I got through the first 10 minutes and had to turn it off. This was BY FAR the worst "movie" I've ever attempted to watch! Please save yourself some money and DO NOT SEE THIS PIECE OF CRAP!
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I preferred to clean then watch the movie!
bipolarbear01831 January 2007
I think the credits on this movie was actually longer then the movie itself! It make the movie longer, it had about 10 minutes of credits in the beginning and about half an hour of credits at the end, and in between scenes there are LONG breaks of blackness. It had NO plot! Never explained ANYTHING! Didn't make any sense! OVERACTING in all characters! And they talked about the same thing about 9 times, and the majority of the time they just kept repeating each other: i.e. "I think I saw something and it scared me"..."You think you saw something and it scared you, you say?" I think I could have made a better movie. There are using a regular camcorder and the shots are stupid and random. The background sounds of cars is louder then the characters voices. its a good movie for a 1st timer trying to get into the movie business, but not something in video stores as a new release, or even a horror. I was bored outta my mind more then I was scared. I actually preferred cleaning then watching this movie!
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Absolute rubbish
ellesbelles197428 April 2019
Well that's 30 minutes of my life I won't get back! I skipped most of it as it's absolute rubbish with terrible acting and stupid storyline. Not even scary! Don't waste your time!
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Blaxploitation haunted house movie
Leofwine_draca2 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
DREAM HOME is an attempt at a blaxploitation haunted house film. It was made in a pre-Katrina New Orleans which I suppose gives it an element of interest or two. The problem with this is that it was made on an extremely low budget, so much so that none of the 'normal' filmmaking qualities are present. Instead we have a few camera tricks, lots of static camera-work, and plenty of overacting from the amateur cast. It's very cheap and very unbelievable, rough around the edges, and not at all good.
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Total snorefest
Woodyanders29 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A young couple move into a quaint old house that turns out to be haunted. Sound really good and compelling? Well, it sure aint! For starters, director Amir Valinia lets the meandering story unfold at a painfully plodding pace. Worse yet, Valinia crucially fails to generate any essential tension or creepy atmosphere. The blah script offers zero surprises, but does go way overboard with a mind-numbing surplus of tedious talk. The flat acting from a lame no-name cast adds further abject insult to already appalling injury. The makers of this clunker even resort to flubbed outtakes and a ridiculously slow credit crawl in order pad out the running time. Good for a few unintentional laughs due to its astonishing ineptitude, but overall a complete grueling chore to endure.
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You Know the Saying, "It's so bad it's good"?
nammage31 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
That's not this movie. It's bad in everything. For some odd reason a woman is drawn to a house. They never explain why she's drawn to it. She thinks it's a beautiful house, which is fine, but they lead you on as if she's drawn to it mysteriously. The story is basic: a daughter is killed by one of her parents and the parents haunt the house along with a cat. It probably would have made sense that she was drawn to it because the daughter reincarnated into her, her spirit was inside her, or even she looked like the daughter in some way but none of those seem to be what it was and if it was, they never mention it.

It's explained later (pretty much telling what happened in the previous 50 minutes in two main conversations as if it needed to be explained, and not just once but several times) that what is making the main female character experience everything dealing with the house is a crucifix necklace that was given to the daughter by her father, which she doesn't find until moving into the house so why was she having these experiences before finding the necklace? Nonsensical.

It's a 70 minute movie (1 hour 10 minutes; the credits are 15 minutes long with some bloopers) that has so much dialogue that says absolutely nothing. They talk so much in this movie explaining the movie. When you get 50 minutes in they are literally explaining the movie to whomever is watching it as if it was so difficult to figure anything out! It was easy to figure everything out because throughout the entire film they kept repeating everything.

The acting was horrible. If you actually watch the whole thing and see the outtakes, they spoke more like real people as just being themselves than any one time in this film. People are not talking to other people in this film, they are talking at them. There's a difference. You can also hear actors screw their lines up several times throughout such as the ghost mother on the bench in the park and the hardware guy. Speaking of the hardware guy, in the scene where he's telling the story that happened to his father, why is the camera moving all around his face?

The direction was even more horrible than the acting. I don't know who was doing the camera work but I swear he or she must have fell asleep while doing it because it kept moving up and down and side to side with absolutely no rhyme or reason. They had to fall asleep from the sheer boredom.

The only thing good I could say that was in this film were the bloopers at the end. I recommend just skipping to that. Unless you need something to help you fall asleep then I highly recommend the borefest of this movie that explains everything about the movie to you while simultaneously saying absolutely nothing at all.
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