"Stargate: Atlantis" Common Ground (TV Episode 2006) Poster

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So Wraith CAN agree with their food source!
owlaurence5 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of my favourite episodes on Atlantis. There is not a single detail I find boring in it (I particularly love Sheppard being unexpectedly harpooned back from the Gate), and it introduces or reintroduces several savory characters.

Things are really becoming personal between Sheppard and Kolya, but you have to shiver at the lengths the Genii commander is willing to go just out of spite. So far, we've never seen someone survive a Wraith feeding (except Ford, but we don't wish his fate on Sheppard either). To make things even more chilling, the SFX showing Sheppard's gradual aging are really well-done, and become absolutely terrifying at the end. So I pity poor Weir who has to let her friend suffer that just for the sake of honoring a rather shaky alliance. Part of what makes the episode work is that we really watch Atlantis (and the Genii) do their utmost to rescue Sheppard -so their failure is all the more frustrating.

But the best part of it all, obviously, is Sheppard and his fellow prisoner. It is not an easy plot to carry out, having two mortal foes bond against a common enemy --especially considering that one of them is being used to torture the other. But it works, in part because of the clever way in which we first get to empathise with the Wraith before discovering his identity (just as with Michael, but this time the shock is on Sheppard: very nice scene there, btw.) So it's a credit to Sheppard's strength of character that, besides surviving a Wraith's feeding, he should also manage to lift his spirits. The two of them actually make a rather good team, even though that may be only due to their exhaustion. But then, the Wraith is also pretty unusual himself, actually treating a human as an equal, holding his end of the bargain and even doing his best to spare him. For the first time, you find yourself wanting to know more about the Wraith, especially after the final twist, which could potentially change a lot in the future. I guess that's what you call food for thought (pun totally intended).
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tormented by rebel hamburgers
mijj14 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
imagine, if you will, that you are shackled by a group of rebel hamburgers. They keep you in a state of eternal hunger. You're so very very hungry. It's your eternal torment.

Occasionally they taunt you with a juicy captive hamburger and let you take no more than a tantalising taste every now and then - just to keep you alive. .. that limited taste is oh so blindingly delicious and nourishing in your eternal hunger - delicious scenarios of eating your fill with scrumptious, mouthwatering hamburger after hamburger torment your mind.

Would you take any opportunity to take your fill of hamburger when given the opportunity? Or would you form an alliance with the captive hamburger and fight your way to a common freedom? This is the yardstick by which to measure the honour and integrity of the wraith.
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The best episode from season 3
yugurtz14 January 2020
An iconic episode that paves the way for the rest of the series.
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Potentially best episode of the series
a_sad_cow22 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Heroes are defined by many things. Their interactions with their villains. The values of their villains. And perhaps most importantly, the qualities the manage to inspire in those villains.

This episode is the culmination of several seasons of brilliant development, and I really couldn't be happier.

The enemy can fight with honor? This has massive implications, both for personal development as well is international parallels.

I wish you could make a movie on this theme, but I don't think it'd hit right if you haven't watched dozens of hours of development first. It'd feel incredibly cheap as a movie.
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Outstanding Episode
Easygoer108 August 2020
This is the best episodes of at the season. It is excellent. I will not give anything away, so enjoy.
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Can wraith and human work together?
xxhitmebackxx5 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
John Shepard is captured by a splinter faction of the Genii and held hostage in order for a prisoner exchange. When Dr. Weir refuses due to the policy she has with dealing with acts of terrorism, the Genii send a video of a wraith feeding on Shepard, and they say that they will continue to allow it to feed until their demands are met. Shepard and the Wraith are placed in neighboring cells and though deeply distrusting each other, they work together to escape. John is weak from the feeding and looks like he is around 85, but after the escape the Wraith returns his vitality, a skill that was not known by the humans to exist.
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