"Doctor Who" The Time Monster: Episode One (TV Episode 1972) Poster

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Time Muddle
A_Kind_Of_CineMagic10 October 2014
Review of all 6 episodes:

This 6 part story can be roughly described as having a largely unimpressive opening 4 parts (including a poor 3rd part) and a more decent final 2 parts. The overall story is a mess with some very poorly thought through ideas in a jumble with only the final 2 episodes reaching more of a quality you would expect from the average Doctor Who adventure. Episode 3 of this story is among the worst Doctor Who episodes yet there are some decent, fun aspects throughout the story, particularly in episodes 5 and 6 to thankfully stop the whole thing from being a disaster.

The story has The Master, well played as usual by Roger Delgado, using a special crystal to try to contact and control an immensely powerful being from 'outside time'. This being, Kronos, is the basis of the mythical Greek God and is the most dangerous example of a 'time eater' (which in 2 different revised forms later appear in audio adventures and the 2005 story 'Father's Day). He wishes to use Kronos' powers to control the universe but the dangers are that Kronos could destroy the known universe entirely. The Doctor tries to stop him in contemporary Britain with UNIT but also following The Master to the ancient civilization on Atlantis.

The script and story are muddled and silly until finally reaching a greater quality in episodes 5 and 6. There are some good aspects in episodes 1 and 2 but they are silly in some ways. The Doctor's precognitive dream being one strange and inexplicable plot point but also racing along in Bessie, quoting of Venusian measurements and clumsy plot setup. It is below the standard of dialogue and story you expect from Doctor Who but is saved by some decent touches mostly thanks to The Doctor, Jo, the Brigadier, Benton and The Master all being acted enjoyably by the great regular cast.

Things get worse though in episode 3 which is often embarrassing in its nonsensical dialogue and ridiculous ideas such as the Doctor's home made contraption and the Master bringing attacks by knights on horseback and cannonfire. The production is also below par with the manifestation of Kronos not great. It is one of the weakest episodes of Doctor Who with its fun/camp qualities being outweighed by badly thought through ideas and disappointing scripting.

Episode 4 is not as bad but is also below par by the high standards of the show. Once things settle down in Atlantis with great guest characters Galleia and Dalios beautifully played by Ingrid Pitt and George Cormack the story finally manages to get more to a quality level you would expect and there is an enjoyable final third to the adventure. The Minotaur idea and its attack scene is not good but it looks pretty OK for the day and is played by Darth Vader actor Dave Prowse before he became known in Star Wars so that is kind of fun.

Taken as a whole this is clearly the weakest Pertwee era story but has quite a bit of fun along the way with some decent stuff that partly counteracts the sillier bits.

My ratings: Part 1 - 6.5/10, Part 2 - 6/10, Part 3 - 3.5/10, Part 4 - 6/10, Part 5 - 7.5/10, Part 6 - 7/10. Overall - 6.08/10.

Following on from another disappointing story The Mutants this season got dragged down after a good start. The normally consistent quality of the Pertwee era was let down with these 2 stories, particularly The Time Monster. Therefore Season 9 stands as the lowest Pertwee season for me but is still a mid table season thanks to the strong first 3 stories.

My Season 9 Average Rating: 8.21/10.
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Tomtit, sums it up very well.
Sleepin_Dragon27 October 2019
The Master is at it again, under the guise of Professor Thascales, bringing his Tomtit project into action.

The Time Monster is not particularly popular among fans, but I'm approaching it with an open mind.

I like the opening, that Nightmare sequence for The Doctor was great. I find it all too formulaic, we once again have The Master in disguise, concocting an evil mission on Earth. I adored Roger Delgado, the quintessential Master, but he had been woefully overused, two stories before he appeared, on Earth, with a dastardly plan in The Sea Devils. Who's Kronos.

Despite the familiarities, I would say there are enough points of interest to make this a good watch, despite the dodgy music. 7/10
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The Time Waster
Theo Robertson16 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A Review Of All Six Episodes - some spoilers

Producer Barry Letts originally decided that season nine should end with a Dalek story and commissioned writer Robert Sloman to write one . Sloman submitted a synopsis entitled The Daleks In London but then Letts changed his mind and inserted the Daleks in to the season opener called The Time Warriors by Louis Marks that ended up becoming Day Of The Daleks and got Sloman to write the season conclusion . There's little detail within fandom about what The Daleks In London would have been like so the tale was probably a vague premise . One thing is certain though - whilst it may not have been as good as Day Of The Daleks it couldn't have been worse than The Time Monster

It contains all the elements of the fondly remembered Pertwee era such as the UNIT regulars and the Master but is entirely let down by a bizarre story structure and ridiculously camp supporting characters . . In many ways it feels like it inspired the lesser episodes of Russell T Davies with tone and plot veering all the place

The plot is confused and vague and contains things that are included just because they seemed a good idea at the time . This manifests itself in the very first scene where the Doctor has a nightmare involving the Master . As the story progresses the plot involves a series of time travel experiments at Cambridge and later involves a couple of episodes set in the ancient kingdom of Atlantis . You get the idea that using so many different settings the production team believe they're producing a fast paced epic story but the truth is the audience are watching a story without a focused central plot

Season nine is very inconsistent where production values are concerned . Obviously much of the season's budget was eaten up by the location work of The Sea Devils and The Time Monster is an obvious casualty . It probably doesn't help its own cause by the extensive location filming in the early episodes , little of which adds to the plot . What really lets the story down is th totally unconvincing studio interiors for the Atlantis set episodes . Compare them with the Curse Of Peladon sets and the difference is stark and obvious

This is certainly one of the lesser Pertwee adventures . It often wins the dubious accolade of being the worst Pertwee story . Whilst this may be true I do believe there's certainly more boring Pertwee stories like The Mutants and The Monster Of Peladon that might make them more unsatisfying adventures from the era . Regardless of comparisons The Time Monster taken on its own terms is a bit of a mess
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