A Crack in the Floor (2001) Poster

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Terrible mess
mrush4 July 2009
They sure gave this thing a good write up on the DVD box but sadly it was no surprise at all when this movie turned out to be a major piece of junk.I was pretty drunk when I watched this thing so I may not get all the details exactly right BUT it was bad ,that much I do remember.

A bunch of friends set out on their annual trip together.This year they decided to go camping and hiking and dope smoking ,the stuff a bunch of 20 year olds in a horror flick usually do.They get lost and end at an old deserted cabin out in the middle of nowhere.Unknown to them a weirdo lives beneath the cabin in a cellar.

It sounds like it might be a cool horror film but it wasn't.A few good scenes early in the films were pretty cool.Rance Howard and Gary Busey played a couple of weirdo local yokels but they were used too little and never seen again after these early scenes.Why Im not sure,cause none of the youngsters in this film were good actors at all.They were a dull and uninspired bunch.Mario Lopez was really really bad.I mean really bad.

Bo Hopkins played the local sheriff and he was good as always.But damn was he ever fat.He sure packed on the weight in his last years.

This film had very little gore and what there was was clunky and badly done.The weirdo under the floor wasn't developed much at all and therefore didn't never seem that scary.There was some brief side boob shots of a pretty large pair but once again it never developed into that glorious full blown nudity that would have made this mess a whole lot better.

I never understood how this guy survived laying underneath the cellar out in the middle of nowhere.As I said the villain was never fleshed out and never really even seen that much so I didn't develop that much dread of him.

In fact it was sort of a relief when he would kill one of these bad acting idiots.This was a totally lame and totally forgettable piece of junk that isn't worth your time.
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Holds no interest.
faithnomore703 June 2005
This one was bad, but I've seen worse pictures.

I only bought this one because Gary Busey was listed, and figured...Even if he only has a small part, it might be interesting. But I was wrong..maybe Gary did it for a friend or the paycheck alone...either way..it seems like he doesn't take this role seriously..when this is said I've seen way worse pictures...This one might have been better if they have had a higher budget to work with. Mostly I don't judge movies even if they seem cheaply done, you'd notice that if you saw my collection of DVD's. But in this case..well.

I'm glad I didn't pay more than 2GBP for this one. I was bored before I began to watch, but my boredom increased me (almost to death;-)during the movie.

The only thing/reason why i'm giving this one 3stars is because of the beginning and the end of the movie..it starts okay...and ends in a way that I didn't expect.You do wonder how it's going to end, and look at every angle...but that's it.

Don't think it was the actors fault,,they didn't have that much.. at all to work with.
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Cheese and Crack Pots!
trish72218 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I think the coolest scenes was when Mario Lopez, then that 2nd guy (baby daddy) discovered the girl lying beautifully in the woods and realizing that her head was on backwards. The reaction from both was top rate. I found ALL of the actors quite engaging, it was a B movie but they did not phone it in. I was rooting for them to survive, especially that nice Sheriff. But the couple that was having the baby annoyed me at the end, because they had a 2nd chance to get away and they're doing the "Run! But no I can't leave you!" argument yet again, until the slow walking psycho catches up to them.

So the cars have been located, and tied to all missing people in the area, but no one knows the whereabouts of this cabin in the woods, everyone who did is dead. So does the guy get away with it or do they call in CSI Boondocks?

Things that made me go hmmm?: Cops investigating without back-up. Why did the psycho killer kidnap the pregnant gal, suddenly breaking away from his M.O., and give her the chance to get free and run? Was the deputy's reaction to Mario Lopez based on the fact that he was Latino? Or was it standard police procedure in that town to club and arrest someone who waves them down screaming for help? The scene with Gary Busey was ridiculous and unnecessary. Bummer we never see "Jeremiah's" face. Yet another, wound the bad guy but don't make certain he's dead scene. Can't they at least tie him up? All in all it was fun. It's one of those see with a group, laugh, cringe and thrown popcorn at the screen movies.
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Worth Watching this to see how Really Bad it is.
RhymesWithWitch30 July 2005
Apparenlty this is suppose to be a horror/triller movie. Laughed so hard, one of the worst movies I have seen in a while. Acting is awful. Filming is terrible. Special effects, if that is what they are suppose to be, are as good as any you can create at home yourself. Used a 'known' name to attract people. There are actually other recognizable people in this movie, I am not sure why they agreed to be in this. The most money was spent on the cover/poster for this movie. I felt tricked into renting it, the DVD case made it appear to not be as bad as it was, I guess the saying of 'Don't Judge a Book by It's Cover' applies here.Worth watching, just so you can see how bad it really is.
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It was fun.
billybrown411 May 2001
This is a very standard horror flick, filled with laughable acting and horrible writing. I rented it knowing what to expect and I got exactly what I wanted. The story is very thin and the dialogue is kinda whacked but I really enjoyed it.

The story goes something like this:

33 years ago, a widow and her young son are living in a small cabin somewhere in B.F.E. Well, a couple of hillbillies show up, rape and kill the mother, and beat the tar out of the kid. Thinking they're both dead, the two hicks go on about their business. Somehow, or another the kid doesn't die. He has lived in the basement of the cabin, picking off anyone who stumbles across his nest.

A group of twenty-something college kids (one of them being Mario Lopez from "Saved by the Bell") decide to take a little camping trip.

You can pretty much guess what happens from then on.

I really dig this stuff. I really enjoy campy dialog, and bad film-making, for some reason. This one has all the goods, though. A highlight being Gary Busey. He shows up for a deranged cameo and disspears, but his lines are hilarious.
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luna9094 January 2002
This movie is simply a piece of crap. If you feel you need to waste two hours of your life this is the best way to do so. The acting is pathetic, the story is confusing and the set is cheap. It looks like it was shot by some poorly trained monkeys from the zoo. Don't see this film.
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spiritchaser7712 November 2002
The worst horror(?) movie ever...AWFUL,AWFUL,AWFUL,AWFUL,AWFUL...I lost 2 hours of my life watching this unbelievably bad movie...A 5 year old kid could have directed it better,wrote it better,acted better...Avoid it at all costs...
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Overdone campy horror.
capkronos10 April 2007
In a small cabin, a scarred, long-haired psycho (who witnessed his mom getting doggy-style gang-raped and killed as a kid) lurks underneath the floorboards and emerges to cut up dumb college kid hikers. This is like a crude teen comedy mixed with a slasher film, complete with embarrassingly bad dialogue provided by the director. Tracy Scoggins gets good billing for a rather degrading cameo. Other name star cameos include Rance Howard as a one-armed white-trash gas station attendant, Bo Hopkins as (what else?) a sheriff who spends a lot of time driving and walking around in the woods, and Gary Busey as a strange guy who chops up chickens. It's not good, but it's at least a little different than the usual direct-to-video tripe.
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What a disappointing film!
Movie Nuttball26 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Geesh this film kinda sucked. I guess what made it so bad was the so unneeded sexuality and the use of veteran actor Gary Busey. They made made as a deranged weirdo that had an obsession with chickens! How sick can one get? I don't like it when I have seen a great actor many great movies and in many great roles and then some director or someone has them in role that makes them a total joke and I don't care if the actor agreed to it or not it shouldn't be done in My opinion! And why of why was Rance Howard and Bo Hopkins in this? The only good aspect (I guess) of this film is that the killer kills everyone! That is something that rarely happens in a killer/slasher movie. Only watch this film if you have absolutely nothing to do whatsoever otherwise stay away from the film watch something else that's much more greater like Halloween!
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Hardly the gore-filled, gross out horror spoof that the blurb claimed it to be.
BA_Harrison26 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
There's a scene in A Crack In The Floor where busty beauty Heidi (Daisy McCrackin) accidentally spills her drink down her front—a rather obvious excuse to have the lovely actress whip off her clothes and give us an eyeful. Except that she doesn't. Before she can undo her top, Heidi is interrupted by her irritating boyfriend Lehman (Saved By The Bell's Mario Lopez). It's a moment that pretty much sums up the whole film: a tease.

Barring a few moments of nudity in the film's opening moments, and a fairly fun impalement on a pitchfork early on, this film wimps out on delivering either the gratuitous nudity or graphic gore one expects from a backwoods slasher, meaning that it's a very frustrating experience for fans of the genre.

A shame, really, because the premise is solid enough—hulking maniac Jeremiah has spent thirty three years hiding under the floor of his cabin after witnessing the rape and murder of his mother by rednecks, and now kills anyone else who should stumble across his home—and although not great actors by any stretch of the imagination, the cast are likable enough.

But when a film racks up a kill count that reaches double figures (I counted ten, including several by pick-axe), but prefers to suggest the carnage rather than gross out the audience (probably 'cos it's cheaper that way), you can't help but feel disappointed and cheated. Hell, even Gary Busey's name on the cover is a tease: he's only in the film for five minutes (although his surreal rant about chicken-wing suppositories is definitely the highlight of the film).

The surprisingly nasty tone and downbeat ending are daring touches (how many horror films have the balls to feature NO survivors?), but these factors alone cannot prevent A Crack In The Floor from being a dud.
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Should fall through a...
RatedVforVinny24 May 2019
Is where this desperate 'slasher' should fall into. I'd give one star for this ludicrous movie and another for the over-the top, mad cap actor Gary Busey. Incidentally and to his credit, he was in a movie far superior to this (and along the same lines) called 'Hider in the house'.
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Busey vs. the universe
sixcents16 July 2006
For the five minutes of screen time Busey gets he takes cinema to new heights. I want to live at that gas station. Slater is pretty good but the Busey scene alone is enough to make the viewer kill themselves since life no longer serves a purpose. The rest of the movie is pretty forgettable.

Since I am obliged to fill out ten lines of text for this comment, I leave you with:

Busey will molest your life.


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cheese? yes, But it's quite good cheese!!!
daveblythe691 March 2003
i bought the film kinda by accident, i had no idea what it would be like or anything i just read the box and thought it looked and sounded like the cheesey 80s horror flicks like The Burning and The Mutilator which i found really suprisingly enjoyable, plus i thought it was £4 (i misread the label it wasn't it was £9 but not wanting to look totally foolish i got it anyhow and started looking forward to it on the long ride home. the film was quite reasonable, it reminded me a lot of camp Blood which i loved for the sheer cheesey value of it, this movie seemd like it was a lot better because it had much bigger names attached, but the effects were a lot poorer than camp blood, the story was kinda fun tho and Mario Lopez kicks ass!!!! the plot involves Jerimiah a small child who watches his mum get raped and then killed skip forward 33yrs and he is living in the basement and he starts killing people who disturb him. simple yet quite fun and very cheesey with a decent cast. anyone who likes cheesey flms should definetly see it
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and the award goes to...
disdressed1230 May 2009
the mouse.that's right,i said mouse.there's a mouse in the movie,and even though it has the briefest of cameos,it was the best actor in the(alleged)movie.for some reason,i watched this right to the bitter end. i don't think anyone involved in the movie knew there were cameras involved.you can't fake acting this bad.it's a real talent.nor can you fake making a movie this horrible.and this is the end result. it wasn't really a movie.more like a collection of scenes strung(loosely)together.i'm not sure how much this thing cost to make,but i feel confident in saying i have more than that underneath my cushions.brutal,but still nowhere near as bad as Dracula 3000.a very reluctant 1* for the mouse's performance.
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"At least when he's 69'in a chick his nose won't get stuck in her pooper."
ron_phenicie1 November 2004
One of the worst movies I've ever seen, however Gary Busey and Mario Lopez both give the best performances of their lives. If you've ever wanted to hear A.C. Slater talking about a man with a missing nose 69'in a chick or see Mr. Gary Busey make a mad dash to the bathroom trying to contain his diarrhea after giving the craziest dialog you'll ever hear, then this is the film for you. You can talk all day about Citizen Kane if you like. For my money, this film deserves it's rightful place at the top of the heap. Plotwise it's absolutely terrible, the story is ridiculous and it doesn't have much of an ending but the dialog is amazing. The superstar cast is really what makes this the best film ever made.
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jdbaker2128 August 2002
This was by far one of the worst "horror" flicks I have ever had the displeasure of enduring. Despite the fact it appeared as if it were made on a $50 budget, the acting was just as bad. Mario "AC Slater" Lopez has ruined any last hope of any future acting carer by appearing in this thing. And Gary Busey shows his desperation to remain in the film business by shamelessly appearing as a "chicken-killing" mad-man. The movie stars a group of spoiled rich tree-hugging college kids who will never be "coming to a theater near you" again. Trust me, this movie is not worth the tape-dvd it is recorded on.
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Your ticket to use the out-house
widener7613 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Filmed in Topanga Canyon, this low budget horror film is laughable, considering who all has showed up for their free lunch off the taco wagon, and scale pay. When a group of high times teens pull into the unwelcome gas station from hell, gas attendant "Floyed"(Rance Howard)appears in a cameo asking, "What'll it be?" "Filler up" the driver replied, as Howard directs a 'PTY', Ms. Orsi if I recall, behind the store to use the restroom, where appetizers await her arrival: beheaded chickens carcases & wings, with lots of bloody dip sauce, are scattered all about the ground. At least twenty hits of brutal visual salmonella carcases in all, as though someone broke into your mind and contaminated your thinking processes. Not for the faint of heart. No need to use the out-house. A dogie bag would have worked just fine.

While the nauseating sound effects of barfing quickly get underway, Gary Busey steps into frame with a haunting, "thud" from bumper music providing a typical 'surprise' and, 'gotcha!" effect. We're left sickened with the feeling of having just munched a very bad dinner from some Chinese 'takeout' joint in Sri Lanka. Isn't that India?

Howard is slick & cunning in his brief cameo roll, knowing full well what happened and what is awaiting for her on the other side of his 'little shop of horrors'. Great chemistry between Howard and Busey with some amusing lines as they engage in their sickness together.

Putting aside the metal plate in Busey's head from a motorcycle accident, and a long history of drug abuse, is this guy really that desperate for a job? The script was horrible and the cast was great. Is it that difficult to get a matching set? And Rance Howard, father of actor/director Ron Howard, acting in another sicko film about axes through the back, and enough blood and gore to meet the appetite of any voracious vampire.

Funny thing is, Rance hasn't even seen the movie. Knowing that such hideous films contribute to the moral decay of society, I asked Howard why he continues to act in such films? After a lengthy pause on the phone, his response was, "because there's an audience."

After asking the wise owl, just how many licks does it really take to get to the center of a tootsie role tootsie pop, I found the time to ponder & reflect my next visit to McDonalds. "Crack in the Floor" receives a caution rating of (4).
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*spoiler* Wow, what a crappy movie!
happiashley6 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I thought that there was absolutely no redeeming value to this movie. There was no point! Everyone dies... I thought it was a waste of time to watch. I guess it was my fault for thinking that what this movie lacked in horror could be made up by its cheeziness.
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I don't believe these are spoilers, since this movie is so horribly predictable
rinny_marie1 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This film makes my soul cry. My friends and I were on a kick where we would rent random movies and either fall in love with them or sit there and make fun of them. A Crack in the Floor definitely fell into the second category. The "characters" are really nothing more than muddled stereotypes with nothing motivating them. The bad guy gets sodomized as a young boy, so he decides to kill everyone he can. The kids know people are dying, so the split up to go screw around in the dark woods. Not exactly convincing. Some of the movies "highlights": When the perverted redneck tells the little boy he's "pretty like his mamma". When the kids are talking about pot on the car ride. When Busey shows up and a girl freaks out about someone KILLING CHICKENS!. When at the end one of my friends said, "they're all gonna die, there's no other way for this movie to end and make sense" Yep, there was no ending that could have proven any less crappy.
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A couple weeks ago, I decided to go into Blockbust...
stuman9416 July 2003
A couple weeks ago, I decided to go into Blockbuster video in search for a cheap movie to watch. I came along this movie and at first the cover was pretty cool and it had Gary Busey in it. What can go wrong. I was expecting Gary Busey to appear in the film for longer than one minute but that didn't happen. This is the worst movie I've ever seen and every copy should be burned. If I could give a zero for this movie I would but the lowest you can go is 1. Lifeforce is better than this piece of crap and Lifeforce is pretty bad too. Avoid it at all costs.
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Senseless movie!
Trixytrue16 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This was the worst movie I've ever seen! I mean, I'm a giant fan of horror movies, I've seen so many and there definitely are MANY bad horror movies, but this movie was not only bad, it was completely senseless! The dialogs of the terrible clique of weed-headed young people were just killing me, they weren't even funny. Could anyone please tell me, why the hell the people selling chicken wings happen to be that crazy? are they some kind of relatives to the crank slaughter with the ax? Or are people living in this area just perverts? I didn't get the sense of these characters. Then, what about the cops? How stupid can one be and why are they so stupid? Was the intention of the movie to show that you can never trust in police cause they won't believe a guy who runs across the street completely out of breath and out of his mind, telling that his friends are just about to get killed near by? is it possible the movie-makers really think a cop wouldn't even stop for a second to think about it and make himself an own impression? Wouldn't he at least have a look if the story is true or not? Then the ending of this senseless minutes of horror : No ending! Crazy guy will continue to kill people who come to his house. Hm...u So let me sum it up: Bad characters, bad story because old old story with no fresh material in it, bad actors, movie FULL OF stereotypes (people who smoke weed are like this, cops are like that, people living far from the cities are so AND SO ON!) This equals a bad bad movie which wasn't worth one cent of the 5 Euros I paid for it!
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Bloody slasher with the usual horrible carnage and terrible body-count
ma-cortes12 November 2008
In a woods cabin lives a mother (Tracy Scoggins) , a Quaker-alike , and his little son named Jeremiah . She always warns him on dangers in the exterior world . But she's brutally murdered by rednecks in presence of Jeremiah . Thirty years later , he becomes into a deranged youngster . Three couples (Mario Lopez , Bentley Mitchum , Jason Oliver , Justine Priestley , twin sister of Jason Priestley) set out in a weekend hiking journey across the mountains. They stop at a strange location where encounter a quirky local folk (Gary Busey) and run afoul into the van . But their misfortunes actually start when they do camp at an allegedly abandoned cabin that's not so empty they think ; then terror really begins . The psycho behemoth chases them down and kills scabrously the young people . Meanwhile, a sheriff (Bo Hopkins) is investigating the creepy deaths....

This is a customary splatter plenty of grisly killings , thrills , slashing , gruesome shocks , nauseating chills and resulting to be little boring . It relies heavily on old-fashioned buckets of blood and the plot remains the same of 'Slashers genre' . In the film appears usual actors from 'B films' , such as : Bo Hopkins , Gary Busey and Tracy Scoggins . Special cameo -in flashback- for David Naughton as a paramedic , the starring of the classic 'American werewolf in London' which the hikers comment when they're walking . The motion picture was badly directed by Sean Stanek. Other films about trippers trapped in the forests and chased by killers or rednecks , turn out to be much better , such as : the classic 'Deliverance' , 'Wrong turn' and its sequels and 'Cabin fever' , among others. Rating : bottom of barrel and below average.
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What An Awesome Flick!
Horror_Fan0125 February 2007
It was so much fun, i loved it, i watch this movie at least once every month, some parts still give me the creeps! I definitely recommend it to everyone! It's definitely worth a rent! It had cheap scares, suspenseful scenes, jumpy parts and a killer, oh ya, and gore....thats all i need from a horror movie, the cast is great looking, and very well acted. This is like Cabin Fever, the only difference is nobody really knows about this movie. With a higher budget, a more well-known cast and a better director, this movie could have been actually pretty big. But all i have to say is, definitely give it a look, it certainly deserves it.
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A little irked at the production people for this one... (minor spoiler)
mhtaylor25 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
OK, this follows the plot line of almost any no-fail-direct-to-video b movie. Group of kids following a few of the stock archetypes (stoners, oversexed girls and their horny boyfriends, idiot leader, cliché pseudo-intellectuals... et cetera) are out on some voyage. Our director chose one of the more popular type: camping. So they go out camping, have a rough start, meet Gary Busey (THIS IS CRUCIAL!!!), and set out into misadventure. Of course, they end up staying in a cabin that belongs to Jeremiah.

Luckily for the audience, Jeremiah starts to remove from society our lovable youthful cast, as per every b flick. For the most part the movie was done really well. Scenes to remember include: Harold, the Janitor, and his criticism of modern amenities and philosophy; Every scene with the Sheriff or his bumbling deputy; and the chicken store/gas station.

At the chicken farm, Gary Busey stars as the butcher in one of his best rolls ever. He is witty, nutty, covered in blood, and best of all, in a light blue three piece suit and tie. Bam, phenomenal. Honestly, he was the entire reason I rented the film. When it comes down to choosing from Hasting's array of B Horror movies, touting Gary Busey is important. Especially when he is THE FIRST CREDITED ON THE BACK. In the synopsis on the case, it even makes mention of his character. -- hardcore -- or so I thought...

Attention, spoiler to follow: Gary Busey is in this movie for approximately two minutes. He makes those two minutes worth it, but I spent the ENTIRE DURATION OF THE FILM WAITING FOR HIM TO SHOW UP AGAIN... and he never does. This pisses me off to no end because his NAME WAS FIRST CREDITED AND HIS PICTURE IS ON THE DVD CASE. Yes, on the DVD jacket cover, Gary Busey's picture is two to three times larger than the actual stars of the film. I figure in the world of 'super size' and 'texas' bigger is better and more important. Well, apparently I was had because Gary Busey (who is credited as the star of the movie... or so it seemed) is a bit part and he NEVER COMES BACK. Gentle reader, please do not expose yourself to this example of capitalist crap. Instead, let me direct you to a much better film: House of the Dead.

House of the Dead is based off the Arcade Game of the same name (yes, the one we all spent our allowance in at Aladdin's Castle). At any rate, there are zombies (which make much better villains than Jeremiah any day), guns, fake raves, the Puget Sound, and Jürgen Prochnow. The best part of the movie is that it advertises Jürgen Prochnow (yes, THE Jürgen Prochnow from Das Boot) and Jürgen makes the movie worth watching. Also, hes in the flick for a decent amount of time, esp. for a bit part.

Love, Matt
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A joke
kscarlett5532 November 2005
This is the worst writing I have ever seen in a movie. Watching it leads one to wonder if it is meant to be a spoof. But, it isn't. The acting is like a bunch of 8-year-olds who have no sense of reality. Roughly two minutes of this movie was frightening. If you like bad movies, this is for you. It is absolutely hilarious because it's so bad. But, I would not recommend spending the hour and a half on it. Gary Busey is in it for roughly five minutes. Strange and twisted, he seems to be the comic relief, but I can't tell.

There is also no resolution at the end. It ends abruptly and frustratingly does not answer some of the key questions. Most of the dialog gives background information of all the different characters which is rather pointless and shallow.

A few gratuitous bloody scenes and sex scenes, but again they're hardly enough to be considered interesting and worthwhile.
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