Plutonium Baby (Video 1987) Poster

(1987 Video)

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AWOL (Asleep With Open Lids)!
james_trevelyan30 November 2005
To call 'Plutonium Baby' a stinker would be the understatement of the year. This is the second worst film I have ever seen. Don't get me wrong; I love bad horror - the worse the better. But what I simply cannot abide is the subgenre I like to refer to as Boring Horror. And 'Plutonium Baby' is excruciatingly, mind-numbingly dull - ten minutes into this Thanksgiving dinner of a movie, I was praying for it to end. It has a duration of only eighty-five minutes but it feels like forever. Couple this with low-rent special effects and dreck actors, and you have a thoroughly awful affair.

The only positive thing I can say about 'Plutonium Baby' is that it is marginally better than Troma's dire 'Igor and the Lunatics', which is the worst film I have ever viddied, and which was voted by 'Entertainment Tonight' as the 'Worst Film Ever Made'. Like 'Plutonium', 'Igor' is a crushing bore.

Other Boring Horror titles to be carefully avoided are 'Demon Wind' starring George Kennedy, and 'A Name for Evil' (or, as I prefer to call it, 'A Name for Tedium'!) starring Robert Culp and Samantha Eggar. Don't get burned!
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Down comes the baby, the cradle, and the lack of an honest effort.
emm19 April 1999
IT'S ALIVE?!?! No, wait a minute! It's a complete overhaul of a mess! For what lost cause does this corny title make any good sense? Made and shot at a VERY miniscule budget, there's no secret why PLUTONIUM BABY carries one useless scene after another, and later on, things can only get worse until the bitter end! It has killings and all the more, and for so much less out of all its vital functions needed to sustain life. Not even our contaminated killer can suck on a milk bottle, nor fit in the cradle! Keep your eyes peeled for a wild and savage rabbit that is worth the entire movie alone. Never has it been so difficult to find tons of ultra-cheapie horror movies waiting for the eyes and ears of this weird world. This makes the perfect "schlock" experience that's uncommonly rare (also try watching REVENGE OF THE RADIOACTIVE REPORTER). Just who is Patrick Molloy, and what's he up to now?
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A truly toxic production
Leofwine_draca30 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Here's another no-budget exploitation quickie in which the senseless plot is merely an excuse to string together scenes of overage teenagers running through the woods in their underwear while a badly made-up monster goes around to commit a string of gore murders. This amateur production is lacking in every respect and has little to recommend it unless you're a die-hard bad movie buff. I guess I should have known what to expect from the silly title, although it has to be better than the original PLUTONIUM BABY, because there isn't actually a baby in the film (well, briefly, but there you go)!

Auteur Ray Hirshman (I'm disturbed to see that he made another movie along with this) knows how to captivate his audience from the start - we kick off with a young boy, Danny, dancing his way through the woods without a care in the world. This boy looks perfectly normal, apart from two things. Firstly, he has a birthmark on his neck which pulsates when he gets upset. Secondly, he likes to eat raw fish whole. So far, so good, you may think. It turns out that Danny lives with his grandfather (the best actor in the film, and he gets shot early on) in the woods. The grandfather is prepared to pass a lawsuit on the firm that contaminated and murdered his daughter twelve years previously. Understandably annoyed, the bad guys (led by the sinister Doctor Drake) make their way into the woods in preparation for some killing.

Unsurprisingly a quartet of grating teenagers also happen to be out camping in the woods at the same time. After lots of unattractive love-making, one of the boys is attacked by a mutant rabbit in one of the film's funniest scenes - funny because the special effect is so poor it has to be seen to be believed. Meanwhile, the hit gang discover loads of mutilated corpses in the woods (all laying about, fresh as can be) and they themselves get picked off by Danny's mother, who is alive as a radioactive mutant. One of them gets hanged from a tree, with his intestines hanging out and tied in a bow! Lovely.

Meanwhile the boy who had a close encounter with the hand-puppet, sorry, mutant rabbit, finds himself turning into a radioactive mutant and goes on a killing spree. Events culminate in a bloody shoot-out at Danny's shack where the hit gang are decimated, Doctor Drake is stuffed inside a radioactive canister and half the teens die. Rather incredibly, all of the above takes forty minutes to happen, which gives you some idea of how slowly this moves. At around this point, the film cuts forward ten years and a whole new movie begins which makes the first half look like a tense and realistic thriller.

A pair of brain-dead rednecks, out walking in the woods one day, open the aforementioned radioactive canister and release Drake, who proceeds to kill them in slow motion. Drake has had an attack of bad makeup but seems to be in pretty good shape, considering that he's been jammed inside a small drum for ten years unable to move, with nothing to eat. Drake makes for New York to find Danny, who is now grown up (as introduced in an incredibly long sex scene with his unattractive girlfriend). After murdering a few inconsequential people, Drake and Danny, now both radioactive, have a bust-up on a rooftop.

I find it difficult to convey how poor movies like these are. Everything is bad; the camera-work, the direction, the absurd dialogue, the unattractive and unbelievable actors and actresses, the cheapie special effects which have been done better in camcorder home movies I've seen, the plot or lack thereof. Unwatchable drivel which is only saved from terminal boredom by having the plot switch halfway through, so at least the second half has a different setting to recommend it. Probably the best part of the film has somebody taking a camera down a New York street, where we see all sorts of weird and wonderful cinema displayed on the cinema billboards. For a halfway good "radioactive trash movie", why not check out REVENGE OF THE RADIOACTIVE REPORTER, which I enjoyed for some inconceivable reason when I watched it years ago.
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...and every thousand years a tiny bird pecks off a chip of that mountain of diamond...
eminges9 June 2001
To grasp the concept of eternity, you don't need to know about mountains of diamond and tiny birds pecking at them till they wear down to a nubbin. All you need to do is sit down with Plutonium Baby, a pot of coffee, and a fresh package of $1.29 oatmeal cookies, and, trust me, you'll experience eternity. The coffee will be nothing but a stain in your cup, the oatmeal cookies will be nothing but crumbs, and Plutonium Baby will STILL be slowly, patiently, remorselessly unreeling on your screen.

Characters wander onto the set, they wander off, things happen, a whole new movie starts about two-thirds of the way into the tape; yes, there's a radioactive Muppet Baby, yes, there's people preserved in drums of radioactive waste for a decade, yes, some doof decides he just has to use a drum of radioactive waste for a beer cooler, yes, at one point there's three unrelated parties of armed men wandering around in the Jersey woods looking for the Nuclear Kid. But you just don't care. You can't make yourself care.

I'm told there's a bet that you can't lose, no matter how drunk the individuals involved are: simply bet a guy any amount of money he can't eat a pound of butter in an hour, and keep it all down. In the same vein, I'd almost be willing to bet that a sane person could not sit, unrestrained, in a metal folding chair in front of Plutonium Baby and watch the whole thing straight through without falling asleep or getting up to purge.

I'd like to watch it again and see if I could isolate the elements that make this hog so completely unwatchable, but no force on earth could make me go through this a second time.
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Do not see this movie.
Bobo-5319 February 2000
I was on my weekly trip to the video rental place down the street, where I normally rent about 5 mindless horror films a week, when I saw the case of "Plutonium Baby". I thought it looked rather amusing, so my friends and I rented it. I have seen "Leprechaun", I have seen "Leviathan" and I have seen "Lifeforce". I have seen "Pod People (Los Nuevos Extraterrestrios)", I have seen "Mitchell" and "The Wild Wild World of Batwoman". I have seen films of a quality so low that the average viewer would lose their faith in humanity. The foul abomination "Plutonium Baby" makes them look like "Citizen Kane". The longest scene in this film was the sex scene between the title character, named David if I recall correctly, and his wife. I sat through the entire film, and I still don't know what was supposed to have happened. The plot was unintelligible. The effects were sickeningly bad. There was even one radiation warped creature that my friends and I mistook for a muppet at first. The dialogue was also abomidable. I believe this is the only film in which an actor actually uttered the phrase "Don't pay any attention to that radioactive symbol, just put your beer in there." I would not have sat through the whole thing if my friends had not restrained me, and I reccomend that you locate every copy of this film that you can, and burn it.
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Sometimes at night I cry
juniorjr116 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Why? Do I cry? Usually because of my pain-filled rectum. But tonight it was because I watched Plutonium Baby. This was two films in one. I think most of the crew left during shooting to go get a sandwich. They must of been hungry. Because they probably went and got a lot of sandwiches.

*spoilers* At the beginning, the director makes it known that we, the audience, are about to embark on a journey with a plutonium baby by our side. His special power? He glows in the dark. But he never does. In fact, he is only in the dark once. During his sex scene with the most wretched looking female ever created by God. This scene lasts for hours. With one discreetly placed boobie.

A favorite scene of mine was when the 4 teenagers leave the forest and are kindly approached by a A-Team van-full of "toughs" who just stepped out of the Double Dragon video game. They kindly stop for the obviously perturbed campers but proceed to kick their ass. While the men are on the ground bleeding, they take their women. In an old fashioned beat 'em up and snatch your pussy showdown. But their Karma came back to get them. And lil' Miss Chili Bowl Face, Danny's mom, kills the first and only black guy. But also the white guy with jet black sunglasses and a flock of the seagulls haircuts. See. She can do good.

Another great scene is when Grandpa leaves his very important letter in the jacket which reveals everything anybody has ever needed to know about "the secret plutonium nuclear testing facility". Danny starts to walk four feet away. And Grandpa gives up on him calling him back. Apparently a life spent around plutonium should be kept a quiet one. No use to shout out after him.

After all the forested terror is complete Danny grows up into a plutonium man. But he doesn't become a super hero. He wants to stay low key in his studio apartment with the aforementioned women. We know Danny stays in New York because the director kindly gives us 200 shots of the life in New York City with an original score from one man playing a ten inch keyboard Casio.

The two men who find Dr. Drake in a radioactive barrel (because they wanted to put there beer in there for some odd reason) are apparently in some relation to Marc Rich. Marc Rich is the man who helped finance the Troma production company and was pardoned by Bill Clinton before he left office. Wow I just went on a rant. Finding this out from watching one of the worst films in history.

Please watch (if you have the nerve) so we can have more bad votes.
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Two bad films for the price of one
Schabe18 January 2000
Here's a first: a movie so unbelievably awful even I was unable to watch it all the way through.

From the title, I was expecting some kind of "It's Alive!" slimy puppet show... Instead I get the lamest "four teenagers enter the woods..." story ever scripted. The title character isn't a baby at all, he's a poorly socialized 14-year-old named Danny, and not particularly mutated at all. As far as special effects, there's a radioactive bunny sock-puppet that's amusing for a few minutes, and a couple of well-done corpses, including one whose small intestines are inexplicably tied in a bow, but by 20 minutes into the film, it's clear they've used up all their good ideas. A quarter-hour after that, the plot finally expires altogether, and the movie does something I've never seen before -- it launches straight into its own sequel: "Plutonium Baby II: Danny Takes Manhattan".

In this phase of the film, it's ten years later, and Plutonium Baby is now Plutonium Man, with a girlfriend (from whom he must hide his Terrible Secret, of course) and a festering leg wound. He's being stalked through the streets of New York by the now horribly deformed scientist whose radiation experiments caused his plutonious state. The tension *really* fails to build here, as by now you've lost interest in the survival of any of the characters, and the chances you're going to see somebody attacked by a radioactive squirrel or pigeon or something appear to be slim. Apparently the whole thing builds up to some kind of Highlander-esque final showdown, with creator facing creation in a battle royale, but I just couldn't take any more. I still haven't returned the video, so maybe I'll find out how it ends sometime this week, but I'm not sure I have the strength...
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by far the worst movie I've ever seen
mrniceguy10629 May 2000
I thought Halloween 3 was bad! Then I saw Plutonium baby. First of all, the tagline just doesn't work. He'll tell his mommy? HE HAS NO MOMMY TO TELL!! Secondly, the baby isn't even a baby - he's about eleven years old. The stupid teenagers that enter the scene serve the proper horror movie purpose - they're complete idiots. The cinematography is laughable. The kids are seemingly lost in the middle of the woods, but if you look carefully you can see a car go by them in the background. Are you kidding me? "We're lost!" "Vvvrrroooom." "What was that?" Absolutely terrible. Next, the pathetic storyline drags on for hours - literally. Just when you think the nauseating plot has finally finshed, it flashes forward ten years to start the - (I'm running out of fitting words) - grotesquely stupid story all over again with the "baby" as a grown-up. There's a dull sex scene that's probably the longest scene in the whole movie - next in line for longest is the aerobics scene, that's right, there's an aerobics scene. That's about all you need to know, except the worst script line I've ever heard: "don't mind the nuclear warning sign, put your beer in there anyway." The fact that whoever wrote this film actually thought they'd make a profit from it is the best part - it's just too much!! It's beyond those bad movies that are fun to laugh at, like Bloodfeast for example. No it's just plain bad. Not funny in a "this is supposed to scare us?" sort of way, but bad in a "they should use this video for torture" sort of way. Avoid this movie like you would avoid the Black Plague.
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Piece of total crap.
HumanoidOfFlesh18 August 2004
Ray Hirschman's "Plutonium Baby" has to be one of the worst pieces of garbage I have ever seen.This film is awful in every department.The script is idiotic beyond belief,the direction is horrible and the acting is incredibly bad.There is some gore,but the special effects are so inept that you'll scratch your head in a total disbelief.The plot is as follows:Dr.Drake and his team of scientists are performing grotesque and illegal experiments involving plutonium's effect on pregnant women.The day Danny was born,Dr.Drake and his minions go too far in their experiments and kill Danny's mother.Fortunately Danny is saved while the callous doctors bury Emily's body in a toxic waste container.Twelve years passed and suddenly Danny's nightmare is relieved when Drake resurfaces to stalk and kill Danny.When the doctor moves in for the kill,a hideously deformed and mutated Emily awakens inside the earth's core and returns to rescue her son.Anyway,"Plutonium Baby" is truly painful to watch.It's definitely one of most stupid horror films ever made.Avoid this cheap load of crap like the plague.1 out of 10.
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Troma strikes again! Is any happy about that?
ecto21612 March 2003
Ah yes, Troma. Nothing quite says pure garbage like a Troma film. Whether it is The Toxic Avenger, or Sergeant Kabuki Man, you can always expect the worst from this rag-tag group of filmmakers. And nothing proves that statement more than this movie.

Plutonium Baby is really 2 movies in one. You see the movie is broken up into 2 parts: 1 part takes place where the campers discover the plutonium outcast, and the other part takes place when they take him back to New York with them. While the first part offers a bit more than the second, neither is worth your time. Sure, there are one or two decent deaths, and the makeup on Danny's sister is not bad at all. Like many other good B-Movies, this one has it's moments. Only, this movie's moments make up maybe 1 minute of this 85-minute picture.

Here's the problem with Plutonium Baby: this movie must have been thought up as an idea, never meant to be produced into a script. Someone must have said, `Hey, how about we do a movie about a kid mutated by radioactive waste?' And then someone else came along and said, `Nah, that wouldn't work.' And so, the idea was probably scraped off of someone's shoe, presented to a couple of people, and became a film. Only most films use scripts. This one is so atrocious with its dialogue that it has to have been improvised at least 75% of the way through. Plutonium Baby has no real story to latch onto, no real characters with any sense of human intellect, and nothing to keep you interested.

In conclusion, please, do not support Troma and go out and even rent this movie. Leave it on the shelf. If your looking for a real horror/B-Movie, do yourself a favor and rent anything by Full Moon Studios when they were in partnership with Paramount Pictures. Full Moon and Paramount put out I think 35 films together and most of them are real good, if you're into Horror/B-Movies. Troma should take a lessen from Full Moon on how to do it right. Since I can't rate these films with anything below 1, Plutonium baby gets a 1/10.
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One of the funniest films I've ever seen.
stevsmith33216 August 2006
I've read peoples comments about how this is 'this'.....'that' and whatever. Do not try to take this film seriously - the makers don't so why should we. Its just a complete joke, but because of that you can laugh the entire way through.

Its full of all the horror clichés - woman tripping without obstacles nearby etc. There is a classic line, at one point one of the actors (i use the term loosely) says something like 'Jeez man, it feels like I'm trapped in some kind of B-Horror Movie.' - somehow he manages to keep a straight face.

There is also one point, which lasts for like 10 mins, where the evil guy is limping across the screen saying 'Danny', 'Danny' in somekind of stereotypical evil voice - pure comedy genius.

All in all. I wouldn't miss this, I laughed from start to finish.
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Why isn't this classic on DVD?
polysicsarebest16 January 2005
Plutonium Baby... read those words over and over again. Read them very slowly, making sure to carefully pause after each syllable. Accentuate every breath as if you are getting ready to make the biggest announcement of your life. "PLU. TON. I. UM. BA. BY." Keep repeating these words to yourself, because you will want to know these words every time you go to your local mom-and-pop store to sniff this cherished cult item out. You need this movie. It's more vital than oxygen, food, water, sunshine, sleep, whatever. This film contains every aspect of a brilliant life-changing event. Wonderfully filmed. Pristinely edited. Masterfully created. Beautifully orchestrated. A Biblical production. The people who disagree are only jealous of the majestic beauty beneath the layers of tricky editing effects and disturbing topics.

This is a baby, folks. A plutonium baby. This film made me realize how being born into the world as a plutonium baby can be a danger in a society obsessed with looks. The plutonium baby, since the beginning of time, has been oppressed and demoralized and now MAYBE this problem in our society can be corrected by mass exposure to this amazing film.

This is truly a masterwork -- the director's best film by far. The story portrays how good and evil are equivalent. To simplify this: the bad guy (the guy in the suit) who was actually portrayed as the "good guy" was inevitably the complete evil and not the plutonium baby itself. This is a classic depiction of a few key elements that we can really learn lessons from: modern society is corrupt and to never judge so swiftly.

You really can't do better than this wonderfully-made social commentary, a production that can't even be put into words. Just perfection.
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"I feel like I'm trapped in some B-movie playing at 4 o'clock in the morning."
udar5516 October 2012
Yes, I've finally reached the depths of 80s horror that I am watching stuff called PLUTONIUM BABY. Some kids go camping in the woods and run into an old man and his grandson, Danny. Seems the kid's mom was working for some nuclear folks and got contaminated, so this kid glows in the dark (according to on screen text, we never see it happen). Goons come into the woods to kill him, but they are killed with the leader being placed in a toxic waste drum. Ten years later, the grown Danny (Ciaran Sheehan) is a construction worker in NYC and life is normal until the guy bursts from the drum with revenge on his mind. If that sounds a bit disjointed, there is a reason. According to the IMDb, the original director (William Szarka) left halfway into a 10-day shoot and the producer took over. Whomever is responsible for the final product deserves a lashing. Never before has a director feared such things as close ups, camera movement, or editing. A majority of the dialogue scenes involve two people standing in the frame and getting it all out in one burst. If the film has anything going for it, there are some interesting FX by Scott Coulter. After that, it is slim pickings.
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poo-poo. pee-pee. ca-ca.
EyeAskance25 March 2004
There aren't enough derogatory expletives in the dictionary to hurl at this brimming bucket of fetid pond scum...PLUTONIUM BABY is swerve-driving, disorderly chicken-scratch which denotes a backwoods codger fostering his grandson when illegally dumped toxic waste turns the boy's mother into a mutant. Following the murder of both his mutated mom and grand-dad by some shady government suits, the orphaned boy is swept off to Manhattan. Years later, he is stalked with vengeful contempt by one of the killers, now a toxic mutant himself.

There's far more nonsense going on in the story than I have bothered to mention, but the matter is too trivial to justify callousing my fingertips on the keypad with further annotation.

A wriggling pinworm in the ass of horror cinema. Avoid. 2/10
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It's amateur night, folks
lor_22 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
My review was written in January 1988 after watching the feature on TWE video cassette.

Made in New York in fall 1986, "Plutonium Baby" is a direct-to-video horror film release that is amateurish in all departments.

Patchwork tale concerns a boy, Danny, born in 1965, whom we are informed (no special effects) glowed, his mom having worked in a secret nuclear research installation. Twelve years later mom (now a monster via poor makeup effects) attacks a CIA man searching in the woods for the boy as part of a government coverup.

Another 10 years later and Danny is an adult plagued by nightmares. He's a monster and so is the CIA guy, on the rampage after being released from a nuclear waste barrel. The two guys kill each other and Danny's girlfriend gives birth to a baby (never shown) that eats live fish just like his old man.

"Baby" is shot like a home movie, with very poor technical credits and acting. Besides the subpar makeup effects there is an unconvincing rodent-like puppet that attacks people.
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"I Feel Like I'm Trapped In Some B Movie, Playing At Four O'clock In The Morning!"...
azathothpwiggins6 July 2021
Danny is a bit unusual, due to his having been exposed to radiation as a baby. After his grandfather is killed, Danny's mum, who happens to also be a mutant, sets out to exact her vengeance.

Ten years pass, and Danny's all grown up. What started out as a very bad movie, doesn't improve one iota.

PLUTONIUM BABY is a sub-sludge -"Budget? What's a budget?"- horror movie, complete with the requisite non-acting "actors", acting as though they might be in a movie of some sort.

All of its trashiness aside, this movie's greatest sin is its extreme dullness. Even the nudity is boring! Sitting through to the end is like trying to keep a handful of angry bees in your mouth for an hour and a half!...
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