(1997 Video)

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A Meditation on Connections
cricharddavies27 July 2007
Seven years before Paul Haggis' "Crash", Wes Emerson directed this intriguing anthology of short scenes of lesbian erotica that seem utterly disparate, yet are ultimately revealed to be intimately (pun intended) connected with each other. The video closes with a quote from Jung -- "In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order." Pretty deep stuff for a stroke film.

Perhaps the best performance in the video is that of Stephanie Swift, who portrays a wheel-chair bound woman, paralyzed from the waist down, who has sex with her physical therapist. I'm not completely certain, but I believe that in both of her scenes, she managed to not move her lower body at all -- indicating, to me at least, a more serious devotion to her craft as an actress than a cynical observer might expect of a porn star.

There's also a nice moment in the scene between Jade Diamond and Bridgette Monroe, who play, respectively, a country/rock star and a groupie. Monroe is absolutely, vocally amazed that she's having sex with her idol, while Diamond at one point rolls her eyes in thinly veiled contempt for her fan.
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