Devotion (1931) Poster


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Ann Harding & Leslie Howard Shine In Guileless Love Story
sobaok25 March 2002
This is a charming, sweet, sometimes clever love story of a barrister and the lovely, dutiful daughter of a well-to-do family in London. Ann Harding wants to get from the grip of "family" (she's sort of a Cinderella here) -- leaves while they are on a holiday and disguises herself as a nanny named Mrs. Halifax. She is hired by Howard who has a small boy (likeable child actor) to look after the boy. Howard almost recognizes Harding beneath her "wig" but it takes a few days before he puts "two and two" together. There's all sorts of great old character actors (Alison Skipworth) who brighten the film with some earthiness before it floats away with ethereal Ann's delicate manner and beauty. One of the charms of a Harding film is looking at her shimmering blonde coiff. Here it's hidden half the time -- but she is quite wonderful in her part and the emotional charge of the story-line is sweet, heartfelt and reminds us of a lost innocence that used to be in early cinema -- that was really lovely.
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Gentle Deception Maybe
bkoganbing10 October 2006
Ann Harding, wallflower daughter of O.P. Heggie and Louise Closser Hale, for a lark takes a job as the governess to barrister Leslie Howard's son. She's got a thing for Howard, but she's too shy to come out with it.

Harding makes herself up with a wig and glasses to look way older than she is and it's as 'Mrs. Halifax' she takes the job. She fools Howard for a while, but she doesn't fool artist Robert Williams who is Howard's client as well. It's Williams's job to know faces and he spots her right away, but allows her little deception any way.

The best two in the film have to be Howard's two married servants, Dudley Digges and Alison Skipworth. Digges plays the butler quite a lot like his most famous role, Mr. Bacchus in Mutiny on the Bounty. Of course without quite the alcoholic craving that Bacchus has. He refers to Skipworth as the 'commander-in-chief' and when you see them together you'll know why.

Robert Williams whose career got cut so tragically short does a nice turn as the artist and rival of Howard. Appendicitis and accompanying peritonitis did him in like Rudolph Valentino. Williams was a good light comedian, might have had a long career in Fred MacMurray type parts had he lived.

It's a nice film, but I can't see why it was titled Devotion.
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Mrs. Doubtfire Lite
marcslope30 July 2012
Ann Harding disguises herself as a dowdy nanny--tough job, and she doesn't quite bring it off here, she's too youthful and pretty--to be near barrister Leslie Howard, likably doing one of his oh-so-British-gentry romantic leads. It's the lightest of trifles, with some lapses of logic, and after the deception is revealed, the movie drags on needlessly for a half an hour or so. But Harding's always a pleasure to watch, even if she doesn't quite convince in either of her British (Mayfair and Cockney) accents. And a plus, as noted by others, is Robert Williams, who's so marvelous in "Platinum Blonde." He had a Spencer Tracy down-to-earth quality that shines here, and he's a natural light comedian (though his character's somewhat off--are we supposed to like him or not?). Nice production values, amiable supporting cast, and was there ever a greater year for clothes than 1931?
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A Sweet Romantic Film
Lydcaro10 June 2006
I have always thought that it was a shame that Leslie Howard is remembered today (if at all) for one of his weakest roles, that of Ashley Wilkes in GONE WITH THE WIND. He was so much better than that! An actor, director, playwright, you name it, he did it all. He was also a helpful mentor to other actors such as Humphrey Bogart (they became such close friends that Bogart named his daughter "Leslie") and William Gargan (who named his son Leslie Howard Gargan). In DEVOTION, Leslie Howard is a lawyer who is loved by Ann Harding from afar. Yes, the plot plays out a little like a Mills and Boon novel, but in such a charming manner that the viewer can just sit back and enjoy!

Will true love conquer all?
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Devotion is a worthy virtue
SimonJack27 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"Devotion" is a wonderful drama and love story. It's not the common Hollywood romance or sexploitation, but real love - deep, caring, sacrificial. A young Ann Harding plays the part superbly as Shirley Mortimer. The film is a fine pairing of the new starlit with veteran actor Leslie Howard as David Trent.

This was Harding's seventh consecutive leading role in as many films. I can't think of another actress in the history of Hollywood or the cinema anywhere whose career began with a leading role. And, whose string of leading roles would last 14 years through 26 films. Harding is one of the great actresses in history who never won a major film award . She was nominated for the best actress Oscar just once for her role in "Holiday" of 1930.

This film is based on the previous year's novel, "A Little Flat in the Temple," by Pamela Wynne. Shirley is the younger of two daughters in the wealthy Mortimer family. Even with the sparsity of makeup, it's difficult to imagine Harding as a social misfit or outcast. Yet, she plays the shy wallflower superbly. It doesn't seem to be something foisted on her by her family. She surely would be able to buy smart outfits and get the full beauty treatment. But, her temperament and personality seem to be more down to earth. And, so, she is on friendly and personal terms with the servants and even helps alongside them.

I don't know how Shirley is portrayed in the book, but in the film her parents and family don't look down on her, but seem to accept her unusual character. She's very much in their discussions and gatherings. But, again, she seems to be naturally shy of the company of so many big people who know her parents and come in contact with her father. She is more at ease among everyday people, and gets along very amicably with the family's household staff.

When famed barrister David Trent calls on her father, Shirley is smitten by him. And, when she learns that he seems to be a widower or divorcee with a young son, she decides to disguise herself as a governess and seek the job he has advertised. The story develops very nicely from there, with Trent winning an innocence verdict for famed artist Norman Harrington who had been accused of murdering his wife. The story involves a sort of love triangle for a time, and some misunderstandings when Tent's alcoholic wife turns up again after four years. But, it has a happy ending for all.

This is a fine film about family, love, and devotion. All of the cast are very good in their roles. Here are some favorite lines from this film.

Marjory Fielding, "Shirley, what's the matter with you?" Shirley Mortimer, "I'm alive. Wouldn't suspect it, would you? A wallflower can be alive, you know. And when they are, they get very, very sick of their own back yard."

Shirley, after disguising herself as a proper governess, "Oh, I wonder if I'll get away with it. Well, how do I look?" Marjory, "Like a very old piece of fried bread." Shirley, "Oh, thank you! Thank you, my darling."

David Trent, to Shirley in disguise as Mrs. Halifax, "Mrs. Halifax, isn't it sufficient that I drink the bullion? Do I have to like it too? Good night!"

Shirley, as Mrs. Halifax, "And please sleep well." David Tent, "Rest assured, Mrs. Halifax, I'll do my best."

Norman Harington, "You're a swell girl, but you're a bum make-up artist."

Norman Harrington, "I think if you washed all the liars out of the history books, there would only be Washington left - I hope."

Emmet Mortimer, "Extraordinary how people jump to conclusions." David Trent, "Isn't it. And isn't it a lucky thing for us that they do. If they didn't there'd be no troubles in the world. Think of that - and then, nobody'd need a lawyer."
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great cast in an ok, slow film
ksf-218 June 2018
Robert Milton directed all of eleven films, and this was somewhere in the middle. Ann Harding stars as the prim and proper governess, who is only taking the job to be near Mr. Trent, a successful lawyer. Trent is played by Leslie Howard, who is slow to catch on, even when he is introduced to "the governess" out of costume, and without her wig. Harrington is played by Robert Williams, who would die quite soon, after making "Platinum Blond" with Jean Harlow. It's all well done, but moves quite slowly. There are complications, of course, and nothing is easy. Enjoyable enough, but so predictable. Harding was nominated for her part in Holiday; Howard was nominated for TWO oscars. and the awesome Alison Skipworth is in here as Mrs. Coggins... she had worked with W.C. Fields in FOUR films! great cast!
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A strange sort of love story.
planktonrules21 May 2024
"Devotion" is a film which lost money at the box office. Despite this, it's still a decent film and is worth your time.

Shirley (Ann Harding) spends her life taking care of her elderly parents and leading a very predictable life. However, she wants more and when she learns that handsome David Trent (Leslie Howard) is in need of a governess to watch his son. There is no wife in the picture and I wasn't sure if she was dead or what as I watched the film. But Shirley also knows that David wants some matronly middleaged woman for the she dons a wig, uses a bit of makeup and uses a different accent*...and changes her name. However, over time, David is able to tell that she is in disguise and he finds himself drawn to her. What's next? Well, a few surprises, that's for sure!

While Ann Harding was generally good in the film (especially when she was the governess), I found it odd that as Shirley she had no British accent whatsoever...and the story is about Brits living in Britain! Also, the film kept calling David a 'lawyer' but I thought that the correct British term was 'barrister' or 'solicitor' (depending which type of lawyer). I'm not British...and I could easily be wrong.

So how about the film itself? Well, it's an enjoyable story though I agree with the review that said the film was slow. Regardless, it is a decent pre-code romance...pre-code because of some content I won't say more about because it might spoil the surprise.
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Unfunny and Unromantic
view_and_review22 August 2022
This was one stuffy romance. As a lesson in manners and properness, this movie was great, as a love story it was terrible.

Shirley (Ann Harding), the daughter of aristocrats, posed as a "nursery governess" (nanny) in order to work. She wanted to work to be her own woman, for the adventure--you know the cockeypoop rich people say when they're bored. Truthfully, she was doing it for Trent (Leslie Howard), a man she fancied. I guess this was the only way she could get close to him and make him fall in love.

It worked. It was clumsy, awkward, unromantic, and British, but it worked.

Their love was dealt a blow when Trent's estranged wife came home. Before Trent could even tell Shirley that he had an estranged wife, or before he could say that she just appeared again after four years, Shirley was gone. It was the standard romcom split over miscommunication/misunderstanding/misleading.

The whole thing was so stiff and proper it was hard to like. I have a hard time with romances in any case, so an unromantic unfunny romantic comedy certainly had no shot with me.

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Interesting side stories
mysterv30 July 2013
An enjoyable movie if you can suspend belief that Ann Harding can disguise herself as an older woman. Thankfully the story moves on beyond that concept. I found the Robert Williams role to be the most interesting part of the film and why I would recommend it, beyond that it does star Ann Harding and Leslie Howard.

Without going into the story too much he plays a character that we do not know whether to like or not. There is a lot of gray in who he is. The same can be said for the Leslie Howard character. I have watched a number of movies from the thirties and this is one of the ones that I would recommend watching if you have a chance.
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Suffer, Miss Harding! The Audience Will Love It!
boblipton19 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The idea behind this movie -- that Ann Harding, who loves Leslie Howard absolutely, can put on glasses, a bad wig and a stage accent, work in Howard's house as nurse to his motherless son for months, and be unrecognizable to everyone but Robert Williams -- is ridiculous. I write this as someone who once sat opposite my father in a bus station, where he was to pick me up, and neither of us recognized the other for almost half an hour.

It's one of those sentimental movies that RKO made in the early 1930s, based upon some novel or play about upper-class Londoners, and except for Miss Harding, would have lost money. It is arch, coy, obviously calculated and insincere. Mr. Howard remains eyeless in Gaza until he gets drunk with Miss Harding in her proper persona (i.e., in an evening gown), whereupon he loves her, too, and his wife turns up. This is the cue for Miss Harding to suffer nobly. It wouldn't be an Ann Harding picture unless Miss Harding suffers in a noble manner. That Man might wind up in the White House, but Miss Harding will suffer!

Naturally, I loved it. Not because I am so enamored of piffle or wish Miss Harding to suffer -- why couldn't the top brass at RKO have given Dorothy Lee a vacation and cast Miss Harding in a Wheeler & Woolsey picture as a change of pace? -- but because Miss Harding can noodge someone into drinking a cup of bouillon at 2AM so charmingly; Mr. Howard can toss a salad like a headwaiter in love; and Mr. Williams can be so cynical and so kind at the same time.

Howard Hawks was once asked what made a great movie. He replied "Three great scenes and no bad ones." This movie may have a plot that didn't excite the audience at the time and looks even more foolish today, but it meets those criteria, thanks to those actors.
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Suffering, Suffering
No one suffers more in movie after movie than Ann Harding. The suffering is gloriously acute, intense and wonderfully relentless.
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Robert Williams sparkles in this Ann Harding dud
jimjo121625 July 2012
What a bore. Every bit the "creaky early talkie", DEVOTION (1931) is stagey and the soundtrack is full of dead air and awkward silences. The story concerns "wallflower" Ann Harding disguising herself as a middle-aged governess in order to get closer to Leslie Howard (whom she secretly loves).

The movie is a chore to sit through. I've never really been a fan of Ann Harding, and she looks ridiculous in her old lady disguise. Seen nowadays, the movie is so preposterous and overdone as to be unintentionally funny. Harding's whole plan comes off as really creepy to a modern audience.

And why is Harding, a daughter in a fairly well-off family, doing chores with the servants while her parents and sisters entertain guests in the parlor? Is she the black sheep of the family? Is it a Cinderella situation?

The movie's not a total loss, however.

Robert Williams's naturalistic acting practically jumps off the screen, in contrast to the rest of the cast. Williams's bright future in Hollywood was cut short when he died shortly after this film's release in 1931. He had a natural way of delivering his lines that really stands out in DEVOTION, even though he only has a few scenes. If nothing else, this film gives viewers a rare chance to see Williams at work.
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