An alcoholic is primarily a human being with an alcohol problem - not just an alcoholic
18 May 2024
I'm glad I continued to watch this movie. When the main character played by Sigourney Weaver speaks directly to us viewers I tend to fall completely out of the action. Such films are not for me. Usually. The Good house is the exception.

For Sigourney Weaver is magnificent in this story about an alcoholic real estate agent who apparently has "full control". The plot is set in a small, idyllic town, and our protagonist knows most things about most people.

Yes, it's about alcoholism, but just as much about life in a small town - for better or for worse. The togetherness and the cozy environment are excellently portrayed. As well as all the secrets that people in a small town think they have. When it comes to the depiction of an alcoholic's life, this is shown in a different way here than in many other films. What I like is that it shows that an alcoholic is first and foremost a human being, with an alcohol problem. Not the other way around.

Many good supporting roles here, but Sigourney is the one that everything revolves around and is about in all the scenes. This is her film, and another proof of the versatile and talented actress she is.
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