Colin from Accounts: High Needs People (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
6 May 2024
This was a very enjoyable season. There were a lot of funny, strange and awkward moments. All the characters did a great job. It was a quick fun watch.

It also had a balance of very sad, moving story lines. The dynamic with Ash and her mother was very sad and hard to watch. Not to mention mother's very strange boyfriend.

Gordon's bar partners were also great in this. I like the story around Ash's best friend. That will be interesting to watch and see how it develops.

Can't forget to mention the star of the show Colin. Hope he gets more camera time in the future.

I realize the two main characters are married in real life, That is an interesting twist. Not sure if there is a huge age gap between them in real life. In any case it was funny how that was made to be a big deal.

Very well done show. Glad I tried it out because the title "Colin from Accounts" really did not interest me. Now that I know how it developed, I am invested!!!
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