The Defenders: Ashes, Ashes (2017)
Season 1, Episode 6
Cinzas, Cinzas
4 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Os Defensores (2017)


1st Season

Episode Six - Cinzas, Cinzas

Love is beautiful.

I finally loved the interaction between Luke Cage and Iron Fist, but Iron Fist's biggest flaw is being a big crybaby who seeks attention, and who wants to recite every sentence all the time (it must be the thing he learned the most there with the monks).

I don't know who was dumber, the Scooby-Doo gang in arresting Iron Fist or Stick in wanting to put Luke Cage to sleep to try to kill Iron Fist.

Villains don't even need to be that intelligent to fight these heroes.

But still, even with these stupidities, I thought it was a very good episode, I didn't know that Stick died.

When I saw Madame Gao, in the final scene, looking scared seeing Elektra killing Elektra, then I was scared, if she's scared it's because the thing is serious.

Episode six of the first season of the Miniseries Os Defensores watched on May 3, 2024.

Rating: 9/10.
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