Good idea, not so good movie building.
1 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The idea of a family trying to escape from the end of the world is great, it just underdelivered in effects. The effects look like they weare slapped on with a greenscreen, and the larger plot is a bit weird. It also has some medical inaccuracies but that's fine. It is also a pretty original idea, instead of just sequels on sequels on prequels on sequels. But it also has a bit of military accuracy which I like. I wish that this film was a Hollywood film with a larger budget. That whould have made this film so so so much better. But... WHY DID THE MOVIE CREATORS HAVE TO KILL THE BEST CHARACTHER IN THE ENTIRE FILM AT THE BEGINING?! THE FISHERMAN WAS JUST FISHING HE DIDN'T NEED TO DIE! TLDR: wish it had a larger budget, and why did the Movie have to Kill the best characther, the fisherman. 6/10.
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