LaRoy, Texas (2023)
New genre: "Texan noir farce"
27 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"The Guardian" in its review designated the film's genre as "Texan noir farce".

Many reviews actually point to Fargo.

Although, even for the Coen's themselves, their first neo-noir is not "Fargo" at all, but "Blood Simple" filmed 12 years earlier (in 1984).

All the heroes of "LaRoy, Texas" are absolutely nobodies, excellent club of losers.

================================ CAREFULLY. SPOILERS!


Skip is a "detective without even a badge" who dresses up like a Texas Ranger, and, even for the taste of strippers, he just looks like a clown.

He gives out business cards, with an outstanding typo ("detetive" instead of detective :)

"Beauty Queen" Stacy-Lynn - out of print a long time ago, looks shabby

"King of car dealerships" Adam Ledoux - has come to the point where he deceives his wife about the fact that he is deceiving her with others :)

Finally, the main character, Ray - who has been robbed right under his own brother's nose for years - is duped by Stacy-Lynn.

And - in general, the entire film, until the final scene, he walks around in the same disgusting green shirt with a huge logo of his own store ("Jepson's Hardware"), although even in the middle of the film he is informed that this is exactly how he got fired up.

However, by the end the characters change, turning out to be better than they seem.

Not because they want to, only due to crazy circumstances.

Ray, who seemed like a complete nonentity, turned out to be able to shoot three people, including a high-class hired killer (in an epic scene that parodies the pathos of Westerns with John Wayne).

In addition, towards the end, he committed, in the name of suddenly realized friendship, a noble, probably the best deed in his life.

Skip "solves the case" and rides off into the sunset, taking a suitcase of money along with the prom queen in a rather lopsided prize tiara.

By the way, "LaRoy, Texas" lasts almost two hours, but it's never boring :)
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