Cluedo: Publish & Be Damned (1993)
Season 4, Episode 6
A disappointing final episode.
25 April 2024
Roger Morgan, a hack journalist is at Arlington Grange interviewing the family, trying to get tht dirt on former guest and member of The Royal family, Princess Stephanie.

It's a somewhat silly final episode, I can understand why it came to an end at this stage, it had all but lost its charm and entertainment, perhaps audience tastes had changed, or the show had somewhat gone down the chute, I suspect that latter.

Only one reason for watching, Nicola McAuliffe, who is so funny and witty, she really made for a wonderful celebrity guest, she'd have been busy doing Surgical Spirits right now, naturally very funny. Russell Grant incredibly irritating as always.

It's a bit naff, and that cutaway where they show the killer, it was for no other reason, than filler.

These episodes are all on YouTube, so watch them before they're taken down.

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