A brush with violence.
14 April 2024
An updated look at Bacon, troubled artist whose works, unknown by many, disturbing.

The BBC have done many documentaries on Bacon, it is rehashed footage, cut in different ways. The arena one being the best. I am not sure we need another documentary, but it it brings new curious viewers- not a bad thing?

A brush with violence is one of the most compelling films made. Showing him at his best, open and honest about crucifixion, mortality, etc. Cut together well, the same archive footage seen before, there will be a movie about him - a la Bob Ross.

If you are at all interested in art, go and see a Bacon in real life before some Russian obliagch buys them all up. They are big.

We are lucky to have Bacon, the film may bring him to a new audience? With Hunter S. Thompson also done well by Arena.

I don't know what other artists are planned in this series? Rembrandt, Pollock, Banksy? But I will watch and wait with interest.
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