I can't believe Erice made this pathetic piece of work.
13 April 2024
I was really excited about watching Victor Erice's last film. So excited my intention was to go by myself to the cinema to not have to focus on anyone else.

Well. Long story short, a friend joined, and half way through the film I was already thinking of leaving. We decided to stay because we thought there must be turning point coming, we even started guessing what would be an interesting twist to a pretty much already lost plot.

There are so many aspects that went wrong in this film and the only conclusion is that people got together and put some money towards this beucase Erice was directing it, otherwise, there's no way to understand the nonsense, amateur quality, horrible storytelling.

No subtext, the principal narrative and EVERY sub-narrative was TOLD in detail by all the actors.

Not to mention the cliche tango theme, just to justify part of the co-production with Argentina.

Worst kind of writing 'hello, good morning', 'ok, by see you later', 'ok bye'.

One would not connect with any character, there was no space for empathy, the plot was the classical one in which you are expecting an intelligent twist or.... something, something! But nothing, this is as flat as it can get, an absolute waste of time, but worse than that, is that I really wonder... did Erice direct 'Spirit of the beehive' or was it a hidden person and he took the credit.

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