Desire (1936)
Dietrich good all the time
13 April 2024
What a splendid film. I have never seen it before and have hardly ever seen Gary Cooper before. Marlene Dietrich is wonderful here, doesn't put a foot wrong and looks lovely all the time, it must be Ernst Lubitsch helping here especially with the lighting. She just looks amazing every frame and of course her costumes are gorgeous. At the beginning with the stealing of the pearls is great, she looks fine in white or black and funny as well. The scenes later with the cars in Paris and on with the old roads in Spain it is amusing and romantic. The last part in the hotel it is not quiet as fantastic but is still fine because Dietrich good all the time and John Halliday is fun. For me, Gary Cooper looks to be more like a cricketer but he is just okay and at least the right age. It is great but I think that the very slight story just begins to go on a bit towards the end but I just loved it all anyway.
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