The Night Agent: Fathers (2023)
Season 1, Episode 10
Great show with a good season final
8 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this season. I just finished binge watching it and I can't wait for a second season.

This last episode was good. I really enjoyed the scenes at the containers lot and at Camp David (especially the scene near the helicopter).


As for the season final, I was mostly satisfied with it. It's great to see the good guys win! They tied up the loose ends and finished the story quite nicely. I was a little disappointed that Peter's father was not the good guy Peter thought he was. I was hoping he was framed and that Peter would get the chance to clear his name. I know it's a cliche and it's been done a million times before but I don't care. I love watching the good guys win and I thought that maybe the season would end with Peter finding new information about his father. Something that would be a stepping stone for next season. It's just makes sense, since Peter is such a decent person with good moral values that so was the man who raised him. I was hoping he would be able to clear his name but I guess they didn't want to go down that road. They did leave lots of room for more to come since Peter is now a Night Agent. Not really sure how Rose fits into it though. It would be great to see them work together again. It's a shame she wasn't recruited somehow to join the FBI. With some good training she could easily work with Peter and the both of them can do whatever it was her aunt and uncle were doing. I guess we'll have to wait and see what is coming next for the two of them. I hope we see Chelsea again too btw. I loved her character.

I also loved that they didn't end the show with a cliffhanger. I guess they didn't know what success this show would have and they wanted to give the viewers a decent ending just in case. I very much appreciate it! I hate watching shows that ends without giving the viewers the answers we were looking for. It makes me feel like I've wasted my time and it's very frustrating.

So all in all it was a great show and I would definitely watch the second season once it's released.
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