Knocking (2021)
Social Commentary Film, More Sad Than Scary
6 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is marketed as a horror film on Shudder but instead it is just a slow-burn art house drama about Molly, who has apparently lost her wife or girlfriend in a terrible accident in the past year, and is now a middle-aged woman on her own who has recently exited a mental institution where she resided following the trauma of her partner's death. This is all insinuated via flashbacks but there's strong evidence that a real world tragedy has occurred that triggered Molly's nervous breakdown.

She is not too excited about being back out in the "real world," and seems more depressed and apathetic than anything. Her therapist prods her over the telephone to "do what she used to do" so Molly in the absence of her life partner showers, applies make-up, and puts on a dress just to dance alone to her favorite music with a drink or four in the solitude of her low-income apartment. She attempts activities like taking walks, buying fruit, and various other little things to feel alive again. But what preoccupies her more than anything is a persistent knocking which all of her neighbors in the apartment building deny is happening. It gets to a point where Molly is threatened by her landlord, the police and even the local psych ward that her behavior is out of line due to the extreme actions she takes to free an invisible woman whom she is convinced is dying alone somewhere upstairs.

It turns out that all of these people - mostly men - gaslighted this poor struggling woman, and indeed, after Molly gets drunk and sets the apartment building on fire the emergency crew discover a young woman chained and hidden in a male neighbor's apartment.

This film says important things both about the social invisibility of single women approaching menopause, as well as how individuals suffering from mental illnesses are infantilized and ignored. There's really no horror other than the real-world monstrosity of modern society.
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