More interesting the man behind The 'Devil'
27 March 2024
At least a better portrayal of events unlike many other shows about Eichmann. Apart from the Nuremberg trials I never watched it so plainly. It only bothers me when these Nazi hunt -type of shows commonly use unnecessary horror themed main titles as long as it looks sensational enough but might only distract from the real content. Anyway, the documentary itself from an objective and rational point of view truly fascinated me. Many relevant details like the archived content in the newspapers from both Allies and Nazi perspectives are really interesting. Not to mention the photographs. Overall it looked very well documented.

However, I still can't imagine how, at the time, survivors and Jewish people in general could've been fulfilled and satisfied over the verdict at all. Although taking a significant part in the mass killings, after all the so-called 'devil' is still just one of many remaining top level Nazi members. I also believe when this kind of trial took place in Europe it definitely wouldn't even stand a chance, on legal grounds alone. The lack of presenting the essential recordings, Eichmann's kidnap and the whole prosecuting thing including witness statements whether it was disturbing or not, it seemed completely biased if not partially set up from the start. Even doubting their own government's involvement is a joke.

You also wouldn't believe me when I say, there isn't really much more achieved here other than accusing and convicting yet another Nazi top member. Saddest part Eichmann probably didn't even care they brought him there in the first place, bored like hell throughout being aware of his fate. Similar to nowadays known ex-Nazi and ex-Yugoslavia tribunals in The Hague, seeking truth and 'justice' while actually it's quite impossible to get appropriate justice afterwards for whatever kind of atrocities took place.
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