Cringe nostalgia, horrible characters and bad CGi
27 March 2024
This is not the worst movie I have seen, but this entire thing is so cringe that I was in perpetual state of "freezing" throughout the entire movie. Everything is supposed to be fan service but comes off more like a really badly acted and horribly scripted Scooby Do episode. The computer graphics is awful, the sound design abysmal, and the acting is average at best.

I suppose the humor is somewhat okay, I even laughed once. And except for the negatives already mentioned the rest is okay, or at least competent.

The worst of the movie though is the characters. The main "new" ghostbuster team are all really bad characters and generally badly written. The actors are not very good either, but I cannot blame them too much, it is the writing and the characters themselves which are really bad.

I think this is somewhat better than the two previous attempts of rejuvenating this franchise, but that is not saying much. I think if you are 12y and have never seen Ghostbusters before and have a very limited grasp of what a good movie is then you might enjoy this, but for the rest of humanity this is a really bad movie.

I give this a generous 3/10 because this is not completely awful and for a laugh or two. But I cannot recommend this nonsense - my cringe-o-meter has never gone higher.
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