Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Colostomy Bag (2024)
Season 12, Episode 8
Not just the musty car or cheese that stinks...
26 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As a longtime fan of the show (and Seinfeld, the GOAT comedy that made Larry rich and famous), I've WANTED to see the final season go out on top.

But like the reboots of Frasier and Sex And The City, the episodes this season have largely been humorless (the Lori Loughlin appearance being the only exception).

This week's decline includes the wasted inclusion of Steve Buscemi and Conan O'Brien. One supposedly having a colostomy bag, the other demanding clearance to talk with him. Even Banta would know this isn't comedic Gold (unlike, say, the shape of an Ovaltine jar).

Key tossers vs. Handers? Possession being 9/10ths of the law? A Mantle not wanting to catch? Clearance to speak to a celebrity neighbor? Stereotyped dog breeds? As Sally Weaver would point out about the doll, "not funny!"

Plus so many retreads. The Seinfeld pull the plug and smelly car scenarios, the "hide this from Susie" trope (women's underwear in the glove compartment seems SO much better than the lame Power Of Attorney switcheroo), the disappointment in the lawyer for ridiculous reasons (from bathroom privileges to script-reading fees to whether or not he's Jewish or whether he looks like Mocha Joe). Not an homage, just lazy and unfunny.

Watching an unwell Richard Lewis once again overreact (first to Larry buying the car he wants then to "she may be the one" potential of another first date) is almost as sad as his real life death.

I know this post will rank low on the "helpful" ratings because Larry-does-no-wrong fans want to read only good things about Mr. David and cohorts. Hopefully, there will be something worthwhile in the final two shows.

But honestly, the show should have ended with the Fatwa's potential assassin. Spite stores, a bad Young Larry actress and this season's mishmash (leading presumably to the water bottle trial) don't add up to comedy.

As the cashier told Jerry when breaking up, this season "just didn't do it for me."
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