Stalked at 17 (2012 TV Movie)
It's Ok. A TV movie, practically exactly what you'd expect
18 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Some spoilers..

But first of all, I don't know why people were bashing about the lead actress' acting, I thought she did just fine. If anything, NONE of the acting of the entire cast was that good. Especially the actor who played the boyfriend, I thought he was the worst of the group as far as acting goes. And the actress who played the bio mom wasn't that great either.

But I don't think the film makers were looking for top professionals exactly, I think they just wanted regular actors/people who would make the story more natural and real. And especially if this was a low budget film, it probably would be difficult and costly to get top actors in. But I thought the leading actress sold it just fine.

The thing that had me concerned/puzzled about the story is that, there seemed to be no safety measures or precautions in keeping Angela and the baby safe other than the restraining order, which obviously wasn't enough. I would think that the parents would have sent her far away to live with a relative or friend that the bf didn't know about, talked to the school about transferring her. Or just took her out of school for the time being until they could figure out how to keep her safe.

They also kept her in their house with no security system in place or anything, after he violated the restraining order. And they left her and the baby in the house alone. That part seemed careless to me. If I had a daughter who's baby daddy was coming to my work and calling me a hundred times at work, and then coming to my house to try to get to her. Then going to the school to see her after the restraining order, I'd be really concerned about keeping her in town. And especially in my own home where he's bound to know or find out from someone where I live. Even if my daughter had never told him. So as dangerous as this guy was, Angela's parents needed security for themselves. And not just their daughter and grandson.

At the beginning it makes you think the guy was just a robber or kidnapper. And then it goes back to explain that he's the ex boyfriend and why he's kidnapping them. But I think it was too predictable, too random and It's almost like it's meant to confuse you, but not in a good way, like most good quality films.

The way they wrote things to be figured out by the audience/or fall into place. It was kinda weird, so I don't think the writing was that good. But good enough to keep the attention and keep you interested, I thought. Yes I would watch it again. Yes I would recommend it to a friend.

So overall it was a pretty good movie for me.
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