Review of S.W.A.T.

S.W.A.T. (2017– )
A joke of a show
9 March 2024
This entire show feels off, and this for many reasons. The acting is not very good, we get plenty of "racial drama" which seldom work, the storytelling is so predictable you only need to watch 2min at the start of each episode and then jump to the next because you know exactly what is going to happen.

The show often also have very cheesy scenes with clunky dialogue.

And as several has already pointed out, and this bothers me a lot; anyone can just walk right into their (sort of) secret headquarters - this includes relatives, friends, and even randoms.

And apparently SWAT is solving crimes now too. As as with CSI wherein the investigators solve all crimes instead of detectives and actual police, we here have the tactical unit solving crimes. They are not just there to breach homes or be snipers, oh no, here they also do almost all the work and fix the entire process of crime solving.

If this show had much better actors some of it could be salvaged, but sadly that is not the case. Instead the actors take the very often clunky dialogue and predictable story and make it even worse.

I see no reason to watch this. There is nothing here. Nothing is fun, funny, exciting, scary or entertaining. This is just predictable sludge.

2/10 and stay away from this nonsense.
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