"If you ever have a world, plan ahead. Don't eat it."
6 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The appearance of Majel Barrett as Lwaxana Troi in a Next Generation episode always heralds a good time, even when she comes across as annoying. This time she's aboard the Enterprise admitting that she hasn't yet met the man she's going to marry! You can just imagine how this affects her 'little one', ship's counselor, Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis). Especially when as an added bonus, she manages to intervene in her daughter's attempt to lower the tension level between Lieutenant Worf (Michael Dorn) and his son Alexander (Brian Bonsall). Worf with his militaristic discipline can't get Alexander to do his chores, and Lwaxana's presence threatens to undermine the father/son dynamic by bonding with the boy during her holodeck excursions. Meanwhile, the Enterprise is threatened by a photonic trail containing a metallic parasite that's eating its way into the ship's nitrium based equipment. That could spell doom for the Enterprise when life support is affected, but fortunately, Commander Data (Brent Spiner) won't fall unconscious when the oxygen supply runs low, and he manages to save the day with a maneuver that sends the nitrium hungry photonic trail on its way into a debris field contain a lot of it from the story's opening in which the Enterprise destroyed an asteroid hurtling toward Tessen III.

As regards the impending wedding, was there ever any doubt that this one would be scuttled almost as soon as Lwaxana Troi met her intended, Third Minister Campio (Tony Jay)? He was boring enough but having his aide-de-camp running interference against Lwaxana's idea of fun just never got off the ground. The last straw was Mother Troi showing up for the wedding in the Betazed tradition - totally naked!! Which I guess served her well when it came time again for a holodeck mud bath, even if Lieutenant Worf seemed a stick in the mud.

P. S. - When I was a kid, there was a nonsensical joke going around that I never forgot. It went like this: 'Why is a mouse that sings?' Answer: 'The higher, the fewer'. I guess that joke traveled a lot farther than I would have given it credit for.
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