How the ancient Greeks followed the rune or Hollywood fantasy on the theme of a famous myth
3 March 2024
Pellum. The American film adaptation of the famous ancient Greek myth of Jason and the Argonauts, who went to the edge of the world to the Kingdom of Colchis for the Golden Fleece. I really did not expect to see such high-quality work in the vastness of world cinema. This is exactly the case here. I thought it would be bleakness, but in the end the picture turned out to be very good (although far from perfect). And here's my brief opinion for you - A Hollywood fantasy on the theme of a famous myth. There were both advantages and disadvantages in the picture. And this should end such an important introduction and move on to the interesting one.

So, the advantages: 1. Adventure story - despite the fact that the script of this picture can be called "based on" a famous myth, in the end the story turned out to be interesting. Although it sags in the middle, watching the adventures of Jason and the Argonauts is quite interesting. After all, they are opposed by huge monsters, the forces of nature and the treachery of other people. In this campaign, the heroes will have to use all their skills in order to overcome all obstacles and reach their cherished goal. There are no clever dialogues, deep thoughts, but there are memorable characters and recognizable elements of the myth.

2. Special effects - they were breakthrough for 1963. There's so much brought in that you wonder how it all holds together. Giant Talos, rocks, hydra, skeletons - all this looks extremely convincing. Although a noticeable combined shooting sometimes spoils the overall impression. The creators did an extremely good job of increasing and decreasing people. Of course, now such special effects are no longer as exciting as they were then, but it is still necessary to note this fact, since the work has been done simply colossal. One scene with skeletons was done for four months, but in the picture it takes only three minutes.

3. The scenery - the Argo ship itself, as well as the entire environment, was chosen with love. The viewer seems to be transported to that time. And if the creators frankly screwed up with the costumes, then they tried their best with the decorations. It was extremely pleasant to watch.

So, the disadvantages: 1. Differences from the myth - the scenario, as already mentioned, follows the "motives" of the myth, and in some places moving away from it. For example, the ship "Argo" was helped to build by Athena (there is not even a mention of her in the picture), Medea was the daughter of the Colchian king (whereas in the picture she is just a priestess of the goddess Hecate), Acast died under other circumstances, and so on. If we list everything, then we will be stuck here for a long time.

2. Costumes - everything is bad with them, and if they coped with the Greek ones, then the Colchians look like natural underpants. This is already a pure fantasy of the creators. Was it really difficult to go to a museum and see what the peoples of that region of the world were wearing at that time? Or would going to a museum be burdensome for the budget?

3. A hint of continuation - of course, I understand that the creators could not tell and show the whole story of Jason in one picture, but why was it so abrupt to interrupt everything and drop a hint of continuation? After all, it did not happen in the end, and now we have an unfinished story that an uninitiated person in the myth simply will not understand, no matter how hard he tries.

The acting here is surprisingly average. You won't remember any of the actors, even if you want to, so I can't single out anyone.

My rating is 7 out of 10 and my recommendation for viewing (even with the above disadvantages)!
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