3 March 2024
It's barely average. It is a solid effort and I could see the actresses were trying their best, but man, the performances were so lackadaisical that I was reminded of a bowl of oatmeal.

This movie is like eating a bowl of oatmeal. It's comforting but a little bland and you kind of want to add some flourishes of dried fruit or maple syrup to make it more exciting. The women in this movie are just average and mediocre in every possible way, and yet they are the focal point of the movie.

The problem is that when you spotlight four characters and not one of them is compelling or can channel any sort of emotional range, everything falls flat. Such was this movie.

The story is lovely in theory - four women's lives intersect after the passing of one's husband leaves her a widow. It's not a bad plot, and there is some levity thrown in, but it was not enough to make this engaging.

I also found the scenes were spliced together in such a disorganized way. I couldn't really tell where any of it was leading. It's basically a roulette of various moments in these women's lives that don't even quite intersect in an intelligible way. It's just a mish mash of random moments.

I'm at a loss as to what this movie really sought to achieve. It's mildly enjoyable in the way that every so often something interesting happens like when the cute painter arrives, or the dorky kid in class flirts with Lucy, but it didn't stir anything more in me than the desire to move on with my life.
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