Yamato Takeru (1994)
A good fantasy/adventure movie.
22 February 2024
Orochi, the Eight Headed Dragon drags a bit for the first half-hour, but it gets more action-focused around the halfway mark and becomes a good deal more entertaining. After that, it drags a little again, and then picks up immensely for its gonzo ending. It's not always the most smooth-sailing of films, but it's worth sticking with to see all the spectacle and wildness on offer near the end.

Much of Orochi, the Eight Headed Dragon feels like a classic fantasy/adventure movie, and then the final 20-ish minutes takes on the feel of a kaiju movie with a more fantastical slant than science fiction. It doesn't combine such things in a way that feels anywhere close to seamless, but during its better moments, it's hard to care too much.
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