Zuko and Iroh are great
18 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Zuko and Iroh are great and their reconciliation is one of the best scenes in the show (if not the best scene in the show.) Zuko's Avatar-hunting skill finally getting the respect it deserves is great as is the return of June. I also like how we finally get pay-off for the Order of the White Lotus. I like how Pakku and Kanna are married now and I like all of the titular masters within this episode. I also like how this episode builds on what was set up for Azula back in The Beach.

That having been established, this episode has some flaws. For example, Iroh's reasoning for why it must be Aang to fight Ozai is exactly why people hate the trope of the Chosen One. ('Oh, I can't stand up against evil because there's no mystical prophecy about me.' At least in Harry Potter, Neville continues to fight Voldemort even when he thinks Harry's dead.) I know Iroh also says he doubts he's powerful enough to defeat Ozai but if he were supposed to be right about that then the writers should have shown instead of told.

(Seriously, Ozai has fought a grand total of one fight at this point in the series and he lost it to Zuko. So his reputation is largely unearned.)

At least, Iroh agrees to lead the Battle of Ba Sing Se and his plan to send Zuko and Katara against Azula makes sense.

That said, the Aang parts of the episode don't really work given that this episode is after The Day of Black Sun so what was Aang's plan back then? Did he think he could just waltz into Ozai's palace and Ozai would surrender? No. This dilemma is really out of necessity (and for the record, Aang has killed enemies in previous episodes as have several other good guys so this ethical dilemma could hardly be more forced.)

The Iroh and Zuko part of the episode is as close to perfection as we'll ever get. The Aang parts don't work.
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