Way Better Than the Other Reviewers Think It Was!
8 February 2024
The reviewers who are wedded to the books must not realize that movies change details, some DRASTICALLY, all the time. (I can just hear them if any of them had actually read the original Perry Mason books before they watched the Perry Mason TV series--they'd be in an uproar even worse than they were here.) Just because they finally found a movie that apparently insulted their unique pet book series is no cause for besmirching a movie that was entertaining on its own merits. Was it a great film? No, but it was good. Jessica Blackmore was quite entertaining in my book, and I'd jump on the chance to see her in another one of these stories. Folks, if you are a movie watcher who just might not be a reader of the books this film was apparently based on--I never read them and don't plan to--but would like to watch a cute mystery/romance, then watching this one will NOT be a waste of your time, despite what the book purists are crying about.
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