A close examination of SNOW WHITE, INC. . . .
18 January 2024
. . . reveals that the infamous "grumpy old men" of animation rival Wilted Daisy Mega Corporation skimped and severely limited the scope of their pared down versions of World Heritage Fairy Tales. While the indolent Wilted Daisy doodlers insisted that there were just "seven" d-words collaborating with Snow White, the Rocky and Bullwinkle people researched the original source material and discovered that actually there were 34 of the diminutive dudes in the picture. Obviously, it's much easier for a lazy, lackadaisical cartoonist to scribble six or seven figures than to fill in the required field of nearly three dozen gnomes. SNOW WHITE, INC. Also provides more backstory for its supporting cast, noting that one of Snow White's companions has a wife and three children in Kansas City. The notoriously cheap Wilted Daisy outfit always tried to substitute distracting warbling for top-notch Bullwinkle-style animation in a crass effort to delude viewers about all of their cost-saving shortcuts.
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