Mama's Family: Harper Versus Harper (1984)
Season 2, Episode 18
Way overdone by the Mama character.
17 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is another one of the few 'dud' episodes of this show. The plot and story here were both good,but several aspects of the show were simply WAY overdone,mainly by the Mama character.(The whole episode is basically one long,tiresome argument.) Vint's wife Naomi has a vacuum cleaner that she received as a wedding present. Vint brings it upstairs from the basement and Mama starts to use it on the living-room carpet. Naomi gets a bit miffed over this because the vacuum cleaner was supposed to be saved for when Naomi and Vint get their own house in a few years. (What exactly happened to Mama's vacuum cleaner isn't clear,it sounds like it died of old age.) Mama starts vacuuming and picks-up something too-big for the vacuum cleaner (Naomi's keychain) and the vacuum cleaner starts making terrible noises.

Everyone tells her to shut-off the vacuum cleaner but naturally Mama doesn't. Anyone else there nearby could have,should have and in real-life would have simply pulled the plug out of the wall immediately.

The vacuum cleaner motor burns up,and the carpet gets a hole burned through it as well. There is a big commotion,and Naomi and Mama end up in court,of all places,to sort it all out. This is where the episode really gets bad. Mama's behavior in court is way overdone until it is just plain annoying,a real judge would have jailed Mama for contempt of court!

The whole dysfunctional family is on their worst behavior in court,but Mama is off the charts obnoxious. Eventually the court scene ends and everyone goes home. At home,Mama and Naomi start arguing again,and for once,Vinton puts his foot down and manages to quiet the arguing women! It is a surprising and nice end to an overdone and tiresome episode.
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