14 January 2024
This was a surprise, but a welcomed one at that. Many animes that come to an end, more likely that's it. Unless a spin off comes out, that series is done and dusted. Never to be seen again, but in this case, it's nice to actually see the characters once again, evolved, and following their dreams. A much more welcomed sight, that I wish more shows did. We all would love to see how our favorite characters are doing.

As I have indicated in my introduction, it chronicles the former Precures' adult lives, showing how they have developed and accomplished their goals. Only to find themselves in yet another difficult circumstance, which turns them back into Precures. However, the way the story is presented altogether-the mystery surrounding it and the story's overarching meaning-will definitely grab readers' attention. When those two aspects are together, the entire thing will be fantastic to see.

Can you even begin to imagine how much I adore this? It has the appearance of something that was formerly there, but with a modern gloss. This truly adds a lovely touch and makes it look amazing and stick out a lot. Each and every detail. Yes, there are a few unappealing parts, but other than that, everything looks great, like a new coat of paint, and I'm forward to watch how it develops. I also find the changes to be absolutely wonderful.
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