ChatGPT making movies now
13 January 2024
The empire against rebels in space - where did they come up with this original premise? It's absolutely unoriginal, the scenes are uniformly laughably bad.

An imperial force that needs grain, because they have nothing to eat? And that's why they stop at some god forsaken Vikings-esque village and wreak havoc, to get grain, really? They didn't solve their food problem with all the robots they've got?

This is a Star Wars rehash with the smart, charming and funny bits left out. Why would anyone watch this instead of rewatching the original Star Wars trilogy?

It truly is a ChatGPT (version 3.5 mind you, 4.0 would come up with better stuff, for sure) created screenplay that doesn't make a lot of sense, does not have anything original to say, and is just plain boring. Pretty sure Part One will be the only part, unless Netflix just doesn't care and already budgeted for the whole trilogy to get Zack Snyder on board.
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