DC's Legends of Tomorrow (2016–2022)
A lot of fun with a campy b-show that sadly goes off the rails
11 January 2024
This show is hard to rate because on one hand this is campy CW and as part of the Arrow-verse it has the same B-stamp and basic storytelling. But on the other hand the characters are fun, the show is fun, and most episodes are fun. There is almost nothing with this that merits praise and yet it is very much watchable and to me the best show of these CW Arrow-verse nonsense - this up to season 5. The last two seasons are however unwatchable and introduces several extremely annoying characters.

For the most part this show does not take itself serious, and it knows what it is. The same with all the actors, directors etc. This is not high art, but everyone on this show enjoy themselves and you can tell by watching. I suspect every single person on this show, janitors and coffee fetchers included, loved being part of this.

With that said, and me mostly liking this, I can still not give it a higher score than 4/10. The computer graphics, sound design, and very basic cliche storytelling do put the score around 6/10, however the last two seasons the show goes full on political madness and not in a good way. What used to be small political nods with a cheeky glimmer which mainly was just fun, turns later into a real mess and coupled with bad writing and several annoying character turns what used to be a fun view into an unwatchable sludge.

If you are going to watch; relax, sit back, have a cold one, and just enjoy these crazy folk doing crazy things in a fun entertaining mess. BUT never watch past season 5.
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