Night Swim (2024)
Stretching the short film Night Swim into a longer cinema film doesn't really keep it afloat.
7 January 2024
Night Swim is a new horror film directed and partly written by Bryce McGuire. He based this film on the short film he wrote in 2014.

In the film, the Waller family moves to a new home, because father Ray (Wyatt Russell) is increasingly experiencing problems with his health. This new house is quieter and has a swimming pool where Ray can do exercises to recover better.

His wife Eve (Kerry Condon) learns during their stay in the new house that something is wrong with their pool. She discovers a dark presence hiding in the water of the pool.

The idea that the creators of the short film had was in itself a well-conceived, creative idea. This short film had a running time of four minutes, but stretching these four minutes into a film of almost an hour and forty minutes unfortunately turned out not to be a success. The writers tried to make the cinema film more of a family drama, where the family tries to support the sick father. Furthermore, they are troubled by the evil forces from the swimming pool, but these two ideas do not really come together well in the film.

So they ended up with more of a messy story where sometimes something scary happens in the water. These scary things tend to linger more around predictable, loud jump scares. The visual effects used for these creatures seem a bit cheap and so unrealistic. Some designs sometimes seem more comical than really scary.

Due to the inferior script, the film cast has difficulty keeping the film running smoothly. Kerry Condon does her best as a protective mother and wife. Unfortunately, the film provides many strange moments that just make this unnecessarily difficult for her. Many dark forces sometimes come out of nowhere and are not really explained. As a result, you as a viewer can no longer fully understand everything. Unfortunately, the rest of the cast members do not know how to make much of the poorer script and often come across as more uninteresting, as characters that you as a viewer care little about.
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