The Mill (2023)
5 January 2024
There is nothing really original in the background or overall structure of THE MILL. We've seen the setup before, many times. But hey, the story is boss and, equally, so is the telling of the story.

This is a great little story, and it's well told.

The lead character is annoying, but as things go on you begin to suspect his irritating abrasiveness hides a plot purpose. In fact you begin to suspect lots of things.

And that's good mystery. That's GOOD writing!

We are in the middle of a writing desert, which nobody seems to have an explanation for. We are drowning in boring-recycled-style over any kind of substance.

This makes things like THE MILL a pleasant relief.

If you like the original BLACK MIRROR (when it was good and Charlie Brooker was on fire with his creative control), you'll recognise and like THE MILL. I'm sure of it.

If I could criticise it, it's too long and the ending is too drawn out, but I can't go into details without spoiling it. Nothing wrecks the story.

A solid 7 in my book.
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