Christmas Incorporated (2015 TV Movie)
Not Oscar worthy - but worth a watch
1 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this movie for what it is - a feel-good Christmas movie. Yes, this plot has been done before, but show me a Christmas movie whose plot hasn't been. I have to be honest, there were things I found cringe-worthy, like the cheesy lines at the end "I don't have everything for Christmas because I don't have you" is a prime example. But this move has one of my favorite movie scenes of all time in it. The scene where the mayor tells William about seeing his wife for the first time from the bench in town was just wonderful. The mayor is waxing nostalgic, William gets a bit misty, then when the mayor tells William that William feels the same way about Riley, William blushed, stammers - and it was thoroughly believeable. Both actors, Steve Lund and Ron Lea, were total invested in the scene and it was really great. That is why I watch Hallmark movies - not for the recycled storylines, or the happily ever after. I watch it because every now and then a movie - or a scene - is just amazing or hits just right and makes me believe whatever story they're telling. I watch this movie whenever it's on - because that scene makes me watch and makes me sigh every time. One of my seasonal favorites.
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