28 December 2023
In Vegas, Riley Smith (Chloe Bennet) wakes up hung-over, naked, and sleeping next to her friend Nate Bynam (Blair Penner). They had gotten drunken married. Recent graduate Riley failed to get an expected job and Nate offers her a job at his family's company in Tennesse. He fails to tell her that it's a giant nation-wide franchise of stores. She also falls for her new brother-in-law Rhys Bynam (Anthony Konechny).

This got me at Chloe Bennet. Otherwise, I would have turned this off right away. I'm not expecting much from E! And that's what I get. The start is kind of interesting. Nate seems nice enough, but these two aren't generating much heat. Out of the blue, this inserts a hunky model type. There is a love triangle and then a quadrangle. The final configuration is never in doubt. It's the first act and it has already lost my rooting interest. This cannot introduce Rhys before it gets to Emily. The audience needs to know that Nate has a landing spot before we can root for his dumping. The romancing game is lost before it is fully begins.

There are other issues. The biggest one is Maria. When Riley finds mother and daughter sleeping in the store, there are ways to elevate the tension. The cops can be called or Riley can take them into her home. I prefer the second since it fits her character's motivation. Instead, the movie takes the least interesting and a rather illogical path. Why wouldn't Riley tell the security guard to keep the incident a secret? It all adds up to poor writing. This feels like a Hallmark reject and that's saying a lot.
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