Here's Lucy: Lucy and Johnny Carson (1969)
Season 2, Episode 11
1 December 2023
The Carters sneak in and become part of the audience for the Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson, where Lucy wins dinner at the Brown Derby after she plays "Stump the Band".

Hadn't seen this one since the 2004 Best-of DVD set was released by Shout Factory. Lucy isn't as annoying as I remembered and it's fun seeing the way she worms her way into the TV studio by playing sneaky games with the ushers.

Johnny has a long monologue and one male audience member can be heard laughing uproariously. There's a shot where Johnny is sitting in the audience and Lucy's mom DeDe can be seen at Johnny's right. When Johnny plays the self-destructing cassette tape left for him by Ed, we hear the MISSION IMPOSSIBLE theme.

Kim makes a LAUGH-IN reference (Lucy's Monday night competition on NBC at the time) and Lucy spells "b-r-a" instead of saying the word out loud in front of Craig.

Ed McMahon would play Lucy's husband in the 1977 TV-Special LUCY CALLS THE PRESIDENT.

Not a season-best, but has some good jokes and Carson is so likeable , you can't help but enjoy it.
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