You need to really be open minded...
29 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Hear me out. Jokes are meant to be controversial and go overboard sometimes, but I also feel that the comedian needs to be able to paint a picture and show you from their view points why they are viewing things a certain way. If your views are one sided to begin with, it's going to be difficult for some people to relate. I was trying to stay neutral but this special leaned hard left. And I get it, we need to all be able to laugh at each other, from both sides. I guess it's my fault since I expected a little more since I have seen his podcasts on the internet and usually like his work. I just couldn't see the humor in this. Don't see how someone is rating this an 8-10, and then complaining when someone is rating it low? If it's funny to you, it's funny to you.

Spoilers: Starts off making fun of Anti-vaxxers. Okay, we're still on this subject? Goes on to say how he got the shots and boosters, and brags that who cares if you don't know what's in it? Even said that's the fun part of it. (Makes a reference of doing drugs in high school and not knowing what was in them) After all that, he then goes on to thank the medical professionals, but then immediately criticized them saying he doesn't trust them (thinking he was gonna say how they lied or something about the shots), because he got a bad prostate exam. Wait what? (Hold on... it might get funny now.) He talks about how he had a bad experience? He got a finger in his ass and the doctor left abruptly. What was he suppose to do, cuddle you afterwards?
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