Screwdriver (2023)
Interesting Psychological Thriller with Good Performances
17 November 2023
Now this is an independent film that I got the chance to check out when Justin Cook reached out with the opportunity to see the screener. I figured out that this wasn't horror, but I read the synopsis and it sounded dark. It intrigued me and since this seemed close to the genre, I figured I'd give it a watch.

Synopsis: taken in by a wealthy couple after her sudden divorce, an isolated woman spirals into a surreal nightmare of manipulation, paranoia and betrayal.

We are following Emily (AnnaClare Hicks) as she decides to stay with Robert (Charlie Farrell) and Melissa (Milly Sanders). What I gather, she went to high school to Robert. He was nice to her back then and I took it there was an attraction there. Something I should point out though is not everything is as it seems.

Melissa works in a high-powered office and does well there. Robert is a professor who is working toward his tenure. There seems to be an incident that he's dealing with regarding a former student/teacher's assistant. The couple presents a façade that everything is great. There are cracks that we see and that Emily notices as well.

Things are awkward from the beginning. Emily reveals that she's a vegetarian and this upsets Melissa after she worked so hard on dinner. Emily wants to leave as she doesn't feel welcome. I get the idea that both Robert and Melissa want her to stay. The manipulation starts from there.

Robert is a psychiatrist or a psychologist. He plays this game where he asks Emily questions. The deeper we get into this, the more we see that she is brainwashed by him. It also looks like they're drugging her. This gets horrific in seeing how low she gets and then they go about building her back up. Where things end up there is interesting as there are reveals throughout that point to what their end goal here. It makes me think that this scandal Robert is dealing with might be due to something similar.

This is carried by the acting for sure. The range that Hicks shows is the best performance by far. She has moments where she looks like she is getting over what happened with her husband. We then see her in a form of depression. I wasn't familiar with this actress, but she has me intrigued to see what she does from here. I think that Farrell and Sanders are also good as this duo. We get a range from them where they rotate who is 'good cop' and who isn't. That is interesting what that does though since Emily isn't fully sure which Robert or Melissa she gets. This does a number on her head. We also get to briefly meet Sean who is portrayed by Matt Munroe when he shows up at the house.

What is also fascinating about this story is that they almost treat Emily like a child. She gets scolded when she leaves the house on her first day there. Melissa is worried about her. Robert shows affection that feels like flirting. This is even done in front of his wife who doesn't seem to react. It is how odd this is that sucked me in to see where this would go. Things also escalate from here where I'd go as far to say that Emily develops Stockholm syndrome.

In conclusion, this is a solid drama with thriller elements to it. Things that are being done to Emily are borderline horrific. This is carried by great acting, especially by Hicks. She is someone that is now on my radar and I hope I can see her more. There is also an odd sweetness to her that adds something more that affected me when she is being manipulated. I thought this was well made from the cinematography to the soundtrack. It is limited in effects but doesn't necessarily need them. Also be warned, this is set in this house. We use different rooms, but I don't think we venture out. If that is an issue avoid this. If not, this is a well-done movie that has dark undertones.

My Rating: 7 out of 10.
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