It Wasn't Bad, But Could've Been More Upbeat
5 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Went to see this one as I was bored & there was nothing else showing at my local, so out of curiosity, I went to see this one.

Phil, a robust middle-aged man suffers a stroke, causing him to lose his memory. Millie, who takes care of him, tells him falsely that they were secretly in love before his accident.

I found the film to be not bad, once it got going that is, & when it did, it wasn't bad & had an interesting story-line. But my issues with the film are the mundane & dreary way it was telling the story & the lack of narrative at some scenes which just happened & you had to guess what was going on. Not that it was hard as you had a pretty good idea what was going on for the most part, but a bit of clarification would've been nice.

The films characters are ok, but again like the visuals & story-telling, are flat & dull & lack some form of personality. The film could've been more upbeat as with the characters & could've used some upbeat music or maybe some montages here & there. The films runtime is not bad at 1hr & 33mins (93 minutes), & didn't have bad pacing to be fair. There's not a lot of action or drama, so be prepared for that when you see this film.

Overall, it's not bad considering the premise sounds somewhat off colour & something that would not have gone down well had the roles been reversed. But despite the dullness of the films story telling, set pieces & characters, it was generally not a bad film with a bitter sweet ending.

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