Supernanny (2005–2020)
Should be called Super Annoying
5 November 2023
Wow, talk about headache-inducing! I remember when this used to come on TV, and even as a teenager, I thought it was extremely annoying. I've always found small children to be a pain in the neck. So many of them are whiny and obnoxious. I understand they lack emotional regulation, but listening to anybody have a meltdown just because they didn't get their way, no matter how old they are, is enough to make you lose your patience. I worked in a library where toddlers constantly had tantrums. It was so bad to the point that I would see patrons arrive with their laptop, and then leave after twenty minutes or a half an hour, probably because they couldn't focus on whatever they were doing. I'm guessing people think their kids screaming and rolling around on the floor is a normal part of their development. Well, I thought it was unacceptable. Acting out in public is a result of poor child rearing. There's a surplus of lazy people reproducing, and the rest of society is having to pay the price. As if it's bad enough to have your restaurant or movie theater experience ruined by some bratty kid, it was some genius's idea to put them on TV, and make it into the style of a docu series. In Supernanny, a British woman named Jo Frost - who, going off of her bio, has zero education in child psychology or family studies - visits the homes of American parents who have little ones that are absolutely out of control. After doing an observation, she offers the parents and children guidance, thus improving the kids' behavior, and creating a more harmonious atmosphere. Okay, I suppose since she didn't examine children from an academic perspective, she takes more of a common sense approach. Eh, I can see how that's fair. Then again, if a person is giving me advice on how to raise my kids, I want them to have some credentials after their name. I would appreciate Jo's feedback, because she started out as a nanny at 18, and that is admirable, but just to be on the safe side, I would still ask for a second opinion from someone who's more qualified. After finding out she doesn't have a degree in anything child related (she didn't even go to college, for that matter), and doesn't have kids of her own, but yet she's such an expert on children, makes me think Supernanny was staged.

Which brings me to my next point: I don't even know why I bother with reality shows. They're all just manufactured drama. Supernanny is no different, as it's filled with tons of yelling, shouting, crying, and trivial fights. Makes you wonder why parents agree to be featured on this show. I wouldn't want the whole world to know my house was dysfunctional. These kids have no routine. Their meal times are sporadic... They go to bed whenever they want, eat whatever they want. They never sit down to do any kind of activities, like crafts or music. Sometimes the parents are a-holes themselves, so it's not surprising why the kids behave like gremlins. I watched an episode where a professional basketball player argued with Jo in front of his wife and kids. It was unbelievable this man had the gall to be so rude and defensive when his four daughters were running around a large property that had an unsecured pool, and his wife was about to go insane from multitasking. She was in charge of a business, so she had to juggle being on the phone, while also trying to watch their kids. That was proof reality shows have no purpose, besides watching people embarrass themselves. Quite honestly, I feel strange having a glimpse into someone's living space. Your home is your private sanctuary. Whether or not their environment is filled with conflict, it's still weird to watch people's day to day life. I'm surprised Supernanny managed to stay on for as long as it did. It doesn't teach or enlighten the audience. The only thing it'll have you doing is reaching for a bottle of aspirins. Just like everything else that's been on ABC for the last couple of decades, it's a stupid and over the top negative show.
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