The Woman in deja vu
29 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, if The Woman in black had not been produced then sure this would be much better. As it is I am left feeling like I have seen some of these scenes before. The rocking horse, the window scene and that scene where Evie emerges screaming from the shadows are very similar to The Woman in black.

Not to mention it has put itself in an increasingly worn out franchise with the typically isolated and haunted house, creepy dolls, old furniture and who could leave out those big old clocks (At least that was the star of the show this time!). In short it is outcompeted by other films.

If your a budding horror film producer watching that and reading this then please for the love of horror fans; please show us something other than a untidy, rickety, lonely house with the aforementioned furnishings. And most importantly if you are doing a film like this with plot twists do not throw in jump scares because you cannot have both. The story will simply be lost in shredded nerves and wait for the next one and no idea what the film was about.

There are some plot holes which other reviewers may have pointed out how the ghost appears older than what was supposed to be and also Evie died while wearing her mask so why is the apparition without it most of the time. And why does she not take the time to cut her nails ? Honestly, they were unnecessary. The ghost was menacing enough they did not need to give her weapons.

Dispite that there was one scene that impressed me, that was the scene where Evie and Mason are in the same room, she is sitting in a chair and slowly looks round at him from behind. That was not a jump scare but as a result it felt more chilling especially where the character cannot see but the audience can. It impressed enough that I decided to up my rating to a 3 as that also felt more original.
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