Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Explorers (1995)
Season 3, Episode 22
Filler episode
25 October 2023
Wow, Sisko is the man. He builds a complete spaceship in less than 3 weeks. Alone, without the use of laser cutters or anything else. While having a full time job. And he has even time to make it look pretty from the inside and outside. This guy would have been able to Rome in less than a year I guess.

Besides that we see Sisko bonding with Jake and learn, that he wants to become a writer. Jake also tries to set him up with Claire Finn from the Orville and surprise, surprise - it works because both love Baseball!

Then Sisko and son go full Thor Heyerdahl with their new spaceship to prove that Bajorans were able to reach Cardassia Prime hundreds of years ago. But who thought, that such a bold attempt would attract lots of attention is wrong again. Roddenberry obviously didn't like media, the press or crowds of people in general. So, no one but Dul Dukat actually cares about this flight...
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