More Than Meets the Eyes
15 October 2023
The Devil went down to Texas and you should be somewhere else.

I do very much love that horror movie trope of listing the days on screen. The Shining did that, and I think these filmmakers thought they were in the same ballpark as that masterpiece. NOPE, but this was still enjoyable.

When the farmer father goes into a coma, his adult children come home to help their mother despite her request for them not to come. The kids thought this was foolish as they wanted to help/see their father if he's on his way out, but it was more of a warning not to come. They should've listened.

Here's yet another low-budget SLOOOOW burn. Not sure if filmmakers try and get around having low funds by making their movies intentionally paced, but this happens a lot. They could be justifying it by wanting to build tension...and yet, you don't see many big budgeted movies that move at a snail's pace.

Don't get me wrong, I very much liked this. Some of the jump scares: SUPER effective and some, WILDLY predictable and clichéd. I'd give them about 50/50. The 50% good was actually great and I either had to look away or I was genuinely shocked, especially/including that awesome ending with the son. And the other 50% I was so sad they just copied/pasted from better films.

The performances were great, the film looked very fine and I loved the locations. Though, honestly, it didn't feel like Texas. Turns out, it was very much filmed there, but I would've bet big this was some foreign land.

It's a Supernatural/Religious descent into madness film. Again, it's slow, but it's not that big of a problem and I would very much recommend it...if this is your bag.


Final Thoughts: I seriously didn't know where this was going to end up. Okay, yes, I had ideas because of the direction, but not the brother's storyline. Couldn't have ended better. The other ending/ending...eh. (You'll see/no spoilers.)
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