Gorilla A Go-Go!
28 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Gildersleeve's Ghost" was released in Lichtenstein as "Gorilla A-Go-Go." This is because the government in Lichtenstein passed a law in 1937 that foreign movies had to have titles accurately reflecting 51 percent the of the plot. Lichtenstein film makers were allowed to title domestic films as they saw fit.

RKO begrudgingly changed the title of "Gildersleeve's Ghost" because they didn't want to run a foul with the LFB (Lichtenstein Film Board). The LFB was the governmental body responsible for enforcing the foreign film title law. Violators of the law risked having subsequent films banned in Lichtenstein and the LFB was known to draconian in their enforcement. "Gildersleeve's Ghost" director Gordon Douglas flew to Lichtenstein to try and persuade the LFB to make an exception for his film maintaining a title change seriously undermined his artistic integrity. It was to no avail. The LFB appreciated his effort as it allowed them to ask if it was as easy to get a gorilla costume in all American cities as it was in Gildersleeve's hometown of Summerfield.

Douglas assured them it was and that the availability of gorilla costumes is what made America such a great country!
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