I would swear she's been funny before, but this wasn't it
24 September 2023
I saw this when it hit Hulu, after I had heard some clips of her standup which seemed good enough that I remembered her name, but this is one of the most-painfully-narcissistic things I have ever seen masquerading as 'standup comedy'. She prances around onstage emitting random forgettable quips, and I kept thinking 'there are women who deserved this opportunity, but this chick is shamelessly phoning it in because she can cash in on her looks'. Watch Helen Hong or Heather McDonald's specials on Tubi because they're actually funny as hell and deserve the attention. When I saw this Berlant special, I didn't see the 'performing in the mirror' photo but it pretty much says all you need to know about this special. Only worth watching if you think she's worth staring at for an hour straight regardless of what she's saying. I made it about a half-hour in and it was one-star material, but maybe there was something funny in the second half that i didn't see, so I'll give it one star for charity.
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