Review of Wilderness

Wilderness (2023)
22 September 2023
Wilderness stars Jenna Coleman (Liv) as a happily married woman whose been uprooted by her husband, forced to abandon her journalism career, and leave England. Her husband Will (Oliver Jackson-Cohen) has gotten a new job for a fancy hotel in NYC and her new job is to support him.

Not long after moving Liv discovers that Will has been having an affair, he swears it was one night only but she finds out it's been going on for a while. She doesn't tell Will she knows the truth and agrees to go on vacation with him. While on vacation they bump into Cara (Ashley Benson) a coworker of Will's who also happens to be the woman he's having the affair with.

It's not horrible but it would've been better if there was a little more backstory on Liv and Will. What led to Will having an affair ? Why did he cheat ? How did Liv meet Ash ? She seemed to come out of nowhere.
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